Sitting in my hostel, I wonder….
those days of my childhood, I remember…
The afternoon sun and the month of december…
The playful sun, and our sports teacher..
“What do you want to become in your FUTURE??
Was the question, I still remember…
Some said pilot,some soilder,some even a plumber..!
“I want to be a DOCTOR…”
Sudden, was my answer…
Why not any thing else,why only a Doctor..”??
“I love that white coat”, Yes! It was my answer!
Today,when i see my apron, I wonder..
Yes, I still love my apron, but only the thoughts, they differ…
Today,how I fell, Icant tell you brother..!!
My legs shake, my hands they quiver!
No!!! I am not scared ! Its just the joy , I can’t bear…
For getting something you love,is ecstasic,as ever..
That too, being at Manipal, makes me feel bigger…
From here I see my future..
From a stupid school boy, to an able doctor,..
Its a journey, I will , always remember…
Poem with a feel good factor! Congrats! 🙂
Really nice thoughts here Kumar Anshul.. After a long time, am reading a poem on the noble profession 🙂