A motion picture is the most efficient medium when it comes to leaving a message with an impact. This music-video by students of Manipal Institute of Technology, is trying to motivate people not to drive when they are drunk. Call it irresponsibility, insanity, illiteracy or whatever; drunken-driving is a phenomenal disease that the mass (youth specially) is suffering from. And complaining simply doesn’t work. This video is an effort to make people understand what loss is, how worse things can get and who all are left behind to lament. They must understand that someone else might have to pay for their mistake, says Absolute Dramatic Addiction, better known as ADA, The Socio Cultural Theatre Group of The Music And Fine Arts Club (M.A.F.I.A.), MIT, Manipal – the group behind this video.
[vsw id=”lmeJ2Cx_32A” source=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”315″ autoplay=”no”]
The aim of the students is to convince people not to drink and drive by showing them how bad things get once an accident occurs. The freedom that we enjoy in the college must not be misused and should be put to do productive things. This student-made video should inspire other students too to come up with similar initiatives. The purpose can be served only if this video effectively reaches the mass and is seen by as many people as possible.
A very powerful video. Kudos to the makers. Highly professional.
‘Awareness’ in the true sense will be responsible for Change.