As it is rightly said, that behind every successful man, there’s a woman. But, my question to you friends is, what about a successful woman?
What is more important for a satisfactory life, happiness or success?
Is every successful man happy? Or is it that till date, men are given the first preference in each and every stage of life, despite the fact that women prove to be better professionals than men.
Friends, whenever I hear these words, “Behind every successful man, there’s a woman,” my mind echoes, why isn’t there a similar statement for women? Are they not considered successful enough?? Give it another deep, introspecting thought.
Women are overpowering men in many stages of life. They are moving step by step with men in each and every aspect of life. Moreover, it’s the women who handle all the household chores as well. It’s the women who inculcate all the purity and sacredness in your heart. Is that all? It’s none other than the women folk who bind relations together with their love, devotion, care and that’s what makes a home from a house. That’s what forms a family.
No, my dear friends, it isn’t over yet!! It’s the women who stand by you, whatever the situation might be. Men generally buzz off in extreme circumstances, but it’s the women who stand by your side, as your mother, sister, friend, girlfriend or wife. It’s the women who can tackle any situation with utter ease and can miraculously hide your pain deep inside them just to see their families happy.
It’s your mother, a woman, who instills your nature in you. It’s she who moulds you to face the outer world. It’s the woman, the mother of livelihood. Yet, in many families and places, women are ill-treated, harassed, assaulted and suppressed. And mind you, the suppression put is due to the unduly dominance of men. Yet again, the women keep quiet and humbly swallow everything and act as if nothing ever happened, just to maintain the decorum of the house.
When today’s men can’t respect their own creator, then what kind of success are they achieving? May I know a single reason for this? Why is it so? May I now humbly ask one more question? Who is more successful? Is it the men who don’t respect the equality, the freedom of women folk? Or is it the women who are the angels of God sent on to the earth to stabilise everybody’s bizarre life?
Just imagine your life without women, the world without women! It’s definitely incomplete. It’s she who bears a hell lot of pain to bring you into this beautiful world. Do respect these messengers of God. Do take care of them.
In the end, just keep thinking and you’ll finally come to a strategically different conclusion. Who is more successful, men or women?
Dear friends, the decision lies in your hands. It’s we who can change the present scenario for all the women in this world!! It’s our generation, the future generation!!
From my side, it’s a humble, bending salute and a heart filled gratitude to all the women in the world.

About the author: Vipresh Mehta is a second year Mechanical engineering student at MIT, Manipal.
Edited by: Manognya Chekragari
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