It is an exciting time for astronomers and lovers of the night sky as Comet ISON has come close to earth and is visible to naked eyes from different parts of the earth. It is indeed a right time that MUP has brought out a book on comets that provides insights into these visitors from the outer solar system putting up a spectacular show in the night sky said the Pro Chancellor of Manipal University, Dr H S Ballal. He was speaking after releasing the 21 publication of Manipal University Press (MUP) titled Comets – Nomads of the Solar System. He said, it is very thoughtful of MUP to bring before people the myths and scientific details surrounding comets when the world is geared up for Comet ISON, which, if the “guesstimates” of astronomers are proved right, is all set to become the “Comet of the Century”.
Some astronomers expect ISON to outshine the full moon in December 2013 following its closest approach to the sun with a tail rivalling that of the great comet of 1680. This book by Srikumar Menon aims to address the interest in comets bound to be sparked by this celestial spectacle. It is an attempt to introduce the lay reader to the origin of comets, historical anecdotes about comet discoveries and so on. It is replete with snippets about famous comets in the history of mankind, special cometary events and provides tips on how to observe the great comet of 2013. Divided into comprehensive sections, this book also deals with importance of amateur observations in this age of professional telescopes and sophisticated instruments.
Dr H Vinod Bhat, the Pro Vice Chancellor said the versatility, diversity and a plethora of publications are what make a university press rich. Quoting the views of the academicians and veterans of the society who have lauded the professionalism of MUP, he added that MUP continuously strives to improve on both quality and quantity. He said, the University’s excellence is to be captured through the publications of the Manipal University Press fostering the talent of faculty and students of University, and others.
Dr Neeta Inamdar welcomed the gathering and presented the reviews of the book by stalwarts like Prof Jayanth Narlekar and Prof Kumar Chitra that highlighted the marvels of the colourful book Comets and author’s remarkable contribution.
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