Whenever anyone has a lack or a need for something, he goes to the wrong kind of food such as pastries, potato chips, and candy, to satisfy this need. Some students while studying for examinations feel nervous and have a desire to chew on something such as candy.
More candy is sold during finals than at any other time during the semester, said the akka who runs the shop opposite the Sharada Hostels.
Other persons, when feeling depressed, have a craving for sweets because they want to satisfy themselves with something that is pleasant. Then there are those who have given up smoking and because of a lack of cigarettes have to have a substitute such as candy to take its place.
A professor of mine once told the class that the reason behind the fact that one goes to sweets and pastries when he has a need or lack of something is that his parents called him “sweety”, “honey”, or “sugar pie.” This name calling was pleasant to him and so he goes to sweets to brink back this good feeling. As a solution to this problem the professor told the class that “it is up to you, the future parents of tomorrow, to call your children ‘meaty’ and ‘fishy’ so they will not have these tendencies.”
That’s indeed food for thought.
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