Manipal University Celebrates International Day of Yoga

Manipal University celebrated International Day of Yoga on June 21, 2017. The event was hosted by the Division of Yoga, Center for Integrative Medicine and Research (CIMR), and Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), Manipal.

The Manipal University campus community including  the students, staff, faculty and nearby local community participated in this event.

The first session began at 8 am with Yoga demonstration and practice.

Yoga session Held at Food Court, MIT, Manipal on June 21, 2017 Yoga session Held at Food Court, MIT, Manipal on June 21, 2017 Yoga session Held at Food Court, MIT, Manipal on June 21, 2017

The Yoga session was conducted by Dr. Annapoorna K. Head, Division of Yoga, CIMR, Manipal University. The session began with the articulation of yoga prayer and demonstrated various yogic practices including asanas (Suryanamaskara, swastika, vajra ,suptavajra, parivrta tada, trikona, parshvakona, veerabadhra, paschima, purva, janushirsha, pavanamukta, bhujanga, shalabha, dhanura, padottana) pranayama (anulomaviloma, suryabedhana, bhramari) relaxation technique(makarasana,shavasana1,2) and meditation. The entire audience joined in performing yoga with the instructor for one hour. The session was also supported by Bhupnesh Kumar and Ramya B R. The Pro-Vice Chancellor (Technical), Manipal University, Dr. G.K.Prabhu was one of the participants in this session.

The second session began at 9:15 am.  The event was witnessed by the guests Dr.HS Ballal Pro Chancellor, Dr. G K Prabhu, Pro Vice Chancellor & Director, MIT, Dr. Poornima Baliga, Pro Vice Chancellor & Dean, KMC, Dr. Narayana Sabhahit, Registrar and Dr. (Col) M Dayananda, Medical Superintendent, Kasturba Hospital, Manipal. The session involved talks by the dignitaries and insight into the health benefits of Yoga.

The event began with a welcome speech by Dr.Annapoorna K.

It was followed by the lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries.


Dr. H.S.Ballal spoke on the importance of Yoga in daily life.

Inaugural address by Dr. HS Ballal addressed about International yoga day celebrations by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi and importance of yoga (asana, pranayama,meditation) and its relation to improve the quality of life.

The event continued with felicitation of Dr.K Krishna Bhat, former Head of the Department of Yoga, Kasturba Hospital, Manipal University Yogacharya, M.Sc., PhD having 33 years’ experience in various academic and research institutions. He established the first yoga therapy department at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Manipal in the year 1980.  Dr. K Krishna Bhat the Director of Bhat’s International Institute of Holistic Health Mangalore, established Dharmanidhi Yoga Peetha in Mangalore University and also established the department of Human Consciousness and Yogic Sciences at Mangalore University.

The Division of Yoga conducted competitions for staff and students of Manipal University as part of International Yoga day celebration. The competitions included Essay writing (online), Poster presentation and Asanas (I Category: Children 5-10 yrs, II Category: Under 25 yrs (female), III Category: Under 55 yrs (male)). They also conducted free yoga practice sessions for University Staff (Teaching & non-teaching) & students from 10 to 20 June, 2017 (excluding Sunday) at 5.30 to 6.30 pm.

Prizes were distributed to the winners of the competitions by the guests of the event Dr. G K Prabhu, Pro Vice Chancellor & Director, MIT, Dr. Poornima Baliga, Pro Vice Chancellor & Dean, KMC, Dr. Narayana Sabhahit, Registrar and Dr. (Col) M Dayananda, Medical Supeintendent, Kasturba Hospital, Manipal.


This was followed by Demonstration with the formations of yoga postures was performed by M.Sc. Yoga Therapy students from Division of Yoga.

The whole event was organized by Dr. G K Prabhu, Pro Vice Chancellor & Director, MIT. & Dr. N Udupa, Director Research, Health Sciences, Manipal University, Manipal.

Staff and faculty of Division of Yoga (CIMR), Dr. Annapoorna K., Mr. Govardhan Reddy, Dr.Lavya Shetty, Mrs.Poovitha Shruthi, Mrs.Nitu Sinha and M.Sc. Yoga Therapy Students. And also by Dr. Raghu AR, Deputy Director-Research (Health Sciences), Dr. Vishal Bhat Coordinator, CIMR, Manipal University, Manipal.

The event ended with vote of thanks by Dr. Raghu AR, Deputy Director-Research (Health Sciences) Manipal University, Manipal.

Division of Yoga, Center for Integrative Medicine and Research at Manipal University has been established Yoga Training Programs, Yoga Therapy for patients and Postgraduate in M.Sc. Yoga Therapy courses for students.

A few photos from the event.

Yoga demonstration and Practice as part of International Day of Yoga at Manipal University Another view of the Yoga demonstration and Practice as part of International Day of Yoga at Manipal University ProVice-Chancellor Dr. G.K.Prabhu taking part in the Yoga demonstration and Practice as part of International Day of Yoga at Manipal University Various faculty members of Manipal University taking part in the Yoga demonstration and Practice as part of International Day of Yoga at Manipal University Winding up the Yoga demonstration and Practice as part of International Day of Yoga at Manipal University with the Shavasana Yoga demonstration and Practice as part of International Day of Yoga at Manipal University
A bulletin board depicting the various benefits of Yoga
Dr. K. Krishna Bhat, founder of the Yoga OPD at Kasturba Hospital was felicitated at the International Day of Yoga celebrations at Manipal University
As part of this celebrations, various contests were held by the Division of Yoga. One of them was demonstrating the Yoga Asanas.
As part of this celebrations, various contests were held by the Division of Yoga. One of them was demonstrating the Yoga Asanas.
As part of this celebrations, various contests were held by the Division of Yoga. One of them was demonstrating the Yoga Asanas. A young winner receives his prize from Dr. G.K Prabhu. As part of this celebrations, various contests were held by the Division of Yoga. One of the prize winners receives the award from Dr. Poornima Baliga As part of this celebrations, various contests were held by the Division of Yoga. Dr. Narayana Sabhahit giving away a prize to the winners As part of this celebrations, various contests were held by the Division of Yoga. Dr. Col. Dayananda, Medical Superintendent of Kasturba Hospital giving away an award to one of the participants. Demonstration of various Yoga postures by students of CIMR. Demonstration of various Yoga postures by students of CIMR. Demonstration of various Yoga postures by students of CIMR. Demonstration of various Yoga postures by students of CIMR. Demonstration of various Yoga postures by students of CIMR. Demonstration of various Yoga postures by students of CIMR.


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