The Girl at the Fair – Sai Santosh Somuri


A Girl at the FairI felt myself marvelling at the great fair

Full of festivity and flair.


I saw various things

Giant non living wheels rotating in the air,

Stagnant living waters echoing awkwardly in the dire,

Fly-feasted delicious foods, mouth watering sweet meats,

Expensive art works and lively debates.


She was also there, the girl, there at the fair

Her skin pitch dark and her curly hair dishevelled,

A tiny toddler, not more than five years old

With an innocent being and fragile looks and

With a lean Father by her side.


She was the true daughter of the man

For she begged around and put whatever she got, into his filthy hands.

Apparently she did not know what she was doing

As she did not know what money is or what it does

And probably her Father will never teach her money or others.


Then the girl moved out of my sight

With the lean, foul Father by her side.


Only after an hour or so,

I found the girl going on her second round

With the lean, foul Father by her side

And a brand new liquor bottle in his hand.

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