Who doesn’t like a bit of music? It’s simple, fun, and relaxing. From the compulsory music class at school to a casual sing-song at a social party, we are making music all the time. Now, new research shows that it’s actually good for you! Seems, it does not just soothe your ears, but your brain too! So, tune your scales as we take a look at a few benefits your brain gains when you make music:
- Healthier Brains
Researchers from the University of Vermont have found that musical training in children from the ages 6 to 12 and teenagers up to the age of 18 have resulted in the better focus of attention, control of emotions, and lesser anxiety. Other studies conducted on different age groups show that adults who make music have lower stress levels and can concentrate longer and better than their peers and colleagues who don’t.
- Better coordination between left and right brain
The use of music therapy is a growing interest in research circles. It has been reportedly proven that music stimulates motor neurons in the brain enhancing better-left brain – right brain coordination. Brain activity is increased, and better coordination means the body can now work more efficiently than before.
- You’ll be smarter
A rather interesting 2013 study found that Albert Einstein, the renowned physicist, had a very well-connected brain that made him as smart as we know him. It is no coincidence that Einstein was a master violinist and began playing at the age of 6. By 13, he could play Mozart’s sonatas. Researchers like to think music made Einstein smarter. It will make you too.
- You’ll remember even better
The hippocampus, (part of your brain that deals with functions like memory and retention) is known to show increased activity when exposed to specific wavelengths of music. It is said to improve long term retention of data stored in the brain. Listening to music while studying can help students remember facts and figures better. The Monroe Institute has been producing music with binaural beats with a variety of uses, such as concentration, creativity, improved memory, and sleep.
- Reduced risk of brain diseases
Music has proven itself to be a natural medicine. People who associate themselves regularly with music tend to be healthier than others. Currently, there is active research taking place on the topic, but researchers have already found strong links between music and the prevention of significant brain diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and brain cancer. Feel like singing? Try out our curated list for the best 90s karaoke songs.
- Better speech processing capabilities
Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have found among school-going children, an increased ability to form more precise words and sentences after taking regular 45-minute music classes. It has also been found that music not only helps you with better speech but also in remembering the things you’ve heard. Remember the songs we used to sing as children to remember the alphabet? This is why.
- Better math and science skills
Ever hated math and science? Music can help you out here as well. The research here is mixed, but there is a definite link between music and math. We all know that music can be taught mathematically. In a recent study, preschoolers who took keyboard lessons displayed better skills in math and science compared to their classmates. I wish I knew this as a child.
We certainly owe a lot to music. It’s incredible how much it can help. From sleep to study, music can affect our day to day lives and make it better. So, strum your guitar, clear your throat, and sing along to your heart’s pleasure. Your brain will love it!
Author Bio:
Ronald Ross is a graduate in music and an expert in playing five musical instruments. He operates his own blog Loudbeats.org where he writes about all kinds of musical instruments. His areas of interest include literature, philosophy, music, and the fine arts.
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