Globally acclaimed management guru Peter F. Drucker famously says: “Every business has only two functions- marketing and innovation.” Rightly so. Because a business that doesn’t market itself is headed for extinction. And those who don’t innovate will soon become redundant and fade away.
Marketing systems worldwide continue to evolve, thanks to new and emerging technologies. Consequently, marketing is much more complex and involves several complex processes.
Thus, there is ample scope for making careers in different spheres of marketing. Since marketing is an evergreen field and will remain so for the next foreseeable future, here are five marketing career opportunities you can explore.
Top 5 Marketing Careers
Fortunately, career options in marketing are available to meet individual personalities too. Regardless whether you are a loner and discreet or outgoing and gregarious, there’s a marketing career that’ll definitely suit your nature.
Public Relations
Opt for a career in Public Relations if you love interacting with people from diverse backgrounds. This is a career for those with a friendly, outgoing nature.
Public relations also known as corporate communications in some organizations is the most exciting marketing career you should explore. Public relations involves interacting with the media, consumers, suppliers, shareholders and other associates relevant to the organization.
Public relations executives and managers have one primary task: to popularize the organization and its brands using various channels. And they also play the role of firefighters, should the company attract any negative publicity for any reason. Their work is to control the damage wrought by such adverse publicity and restore confidence of all stakeholders about the organization.
Corporate communications are slightly different since it also involves creating effective communications channels within the organization as well as externally. It involves disseminating information about the company’s policies and instilling confidence among stakeholders about their interest in the organization. However, this function is also done by public relations departments and personnel.
Digital Marketing
If you are loner and secretive, not wanting to mix easily with others, become a digital marketer.
Digital marketing is the fastest growing industry worldwide. In simplest terms, digital marketing involves using Internet as a channel to popularize a company and its products, creating awareness of various digital services and enabling people to use them. This is done through various processes like Search Engine Optimization that helps an organization’s website to rank on top of Google and search-engine searches.
Digital marketing also helps a company gain popularity through social media and maintain contact with stakeholders through emails and other means. In 2019, the scope of Digital marketing in India growing rapidly. There are projections that India will require over two million digital marketing professionals by the year 2022. The industry indicates annual growth of whopping 32 percent per annum.
Over 20 million micro, small and medium will have to adopt digital marketing if they wish to stay in business. Large corporations will have to step up their digital presence on the Internet. There are excellent, short-term digital marketing courses that will propel you into this promising career opportunity.
Brand Management
Brand management is for busy bees. You need to develop an obsession for a brand and work to promote it as though it’s your brainchild.
You’d have definitely heard of brands like Colgate, Marlboro, Heineken, and Toyota. Now, these brands didn’t become popular overnight. Admitted, these brands are of superior quality products in their respective categories. Yet, nobody would have heard of these, were it not for brand management.
Basically, brand management is all about helping a client to create a brand and popularizing it in the market. A classic example of modern-day brand management is Amazon. Its founder, Jeff Bezos wanted to name the company Cadabra (from Abracadabra). But his brand manager warned that this word would sound like ‘cadavers’ or a dead body. Hence, Jeff Bezos named the company Amazon.
Brand management involves creating a positive image about the organization and its brand through various programs such as advertising campaigns, press releases in the media, event sponsorships and displays at stores and other relevant places. It involves everything from the launch of a new brand to its innovation over years and maintaining its position while trying to move higher in the market.
Got a creative flair? Go for a career in advertising. This is an evergreen field and involves both physical and digital channels.
A superb example is Amul, the dairy products company that makes India’s most popular brand of salted table butter. Amul ads are known for creativity and wit.
There are several marketing functions in advertising. It’s an excellent marketing career if you are willing to give wings to your creativity to come up with memorable ads and promotional material. Or you can work as an advertising manager and plan your organization’s advertising campaigns through media and other channels.
Also, advertising careers can boil down to basic jobs like advertising executives. As ad executive, you’ll visit clients, find their advertising needs and provide solutions. You’ll book advertisements for publication in a newspaper or magazine or broadcast and telecast on radio and TV. This job usually pays salaries and hefty commissions.
Market Research
This career is ideal for cool, calculative brains that prefer working alone for long hours.
There’s a stiff competition in almost every segment of the industry to bag the largest slice of consumer market. And how does one do that? By constantly innovating one’s products. And for such innovations, feedback from consumers is vital. Hence, we have market research companies.
Small to large businesses rope in services of market research companies to get feedback from customers and general public. This is done in a variety of ways such as open house sessions for customers and potential clients, surveys with individual respondents, online surveys and many other techniques.
The data collected from these sources undergo proper analysis by a market researcher. They have knack for detail. From the data, they gauge customer mindset and provide accurate information to their employer that can help innovate or improve a product or service or launch an altogether new line.
The market research also deals with an analysis of your employer’s offerings in the market and competitor brands. With more foreign brands entering India and consumer preferences changing rapidly, market research is assuming an altogether new dimension in this country. Hence, it’s an excellent marketing career opportunity you can try.
In Conclusion
There’s one distinct advantage of a marketing career: it will never go out of demand, regardless of advances in technology. Because marketing is all about understanding the human mindset and adapting products, services, and brands in line with the times. Marketing jobs usually come loaded with perks. Hence, it’s worth considering one of these marketing career opportunities
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