With fast-approaching winter, many girls are conscious about their skin, so now is the perfect time to prevent your skin from dryness this winter. Dry air is a major contributor to dull and rough skin in winter.
Here I give you ten easy and straightforward tips for winter that you can include in your daily routine for beautiful skin.
Moisturize Your Skin
In winter, the best key to keep your skin fresh and glowing is moisturising all over the day. Use a good quality of body lotion after taking a bath. Moisturize your hands, feet and elbow too. Avoid using petroleum-based products for moisturising your skin as they coat the skin but do not moisturize it. Creamy cleansers do add back moisturize but do not dry your skin
Pucker Up Your Dry Lips
During winter, dry lips are the biggest problem. Use a lip balm with at least SPF 15 and chaps-stick to get rid of dryness. Some lip balms yield are made of tea tree oil, phenol and beeswax.
Nutritious Diet
Take a nutritious diet is the best common natural beauty tip in winter. In this season excessive use of fish in your diet which is suitable for all type of skin.
Proper Drinking
In the winter season, the amount of water is lower than summer, which severely affects your skin. The main reason of glowing skin is using plenty of water in this season. At least drink 10 to 12 glass of water throughout the day.
Skip Hot Bath
Most people think that taking a hot bath feels impressive in winter but actually they make dry skin worse. The best way is to try a bath with lukewarm water instead of hot water.
Coconut Oil
In this season to avoid dryness use slightly amount of coconut oil before bath. It works as a moisturizing agent for your skin. It is very good for your skin.
Rose Water:
The use of rose water on your face in the morning makes the skin bright and attractive.
Wash your skin mostly with water:
In winter, wash your skin mostly with water instead of soap. Avoid huge amount of using soap.
Avoid Sun Rays
Sun rays are most injurious for your skin tone, especially in the winter season. So always protect your face from direct sun rays to keep away from skin disease.
Almond Paste
Almond is the best tonic for your skin in the winter season. Make an almond paste by adding some amount of yogurt and milk in it. It will give u best result for your fairness.
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