‘A lifetime of showers moistens the soul’, says an ancient proverb. And the shimmering, crystal-clear nuances of these beautiful words apply more to India’s colourful Monsoon culture than to any other art movement in the world.
Clouds and End Point Manipal always go hand in hand. In this early morning picture by Nagalakshmi, Lecturer at Melaka Manipal Medical College, Manipal, the cloud cover blankets the green shrubs and trees at the Entrance to the End Point complex. Photo submitted by: Ms. Nagalakshmi.
Rain falling over the Swarna is a sight to behold. The Swarna river flowing across Manipal provides for some spectacular scenes during the Monsoons in Manipal. Photo by Diksha Dinker
When it rains, it pours. Torrential thunderstorms are no strangers to this university town in South Coastal Karnataka. In the picture lightning illuminates construction activity in the Manipal University campus at Manipal.
The pre-monsoon showers can provide for some spectacularly terrifying images for the uninitiated. the rapid buildup of clouds and the sudden burst of rain can drench even the most experienced Manipalite. Photo submitted by Jay Mishra.
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Birds enjoy the wet Monsoons of Manipal as much as the student community of Manipal University. Ramit Singal, whose book – A Birder’s Handbook to Manipal, was released recently, captured this wonderful picture of a Lesser Sand plover in the Monsoon pools at End Point Manipal.
Lush green linings to the road that leads to End Point Manipal. Any early morning walk to this wonderful patch of land on the day after it rains is heavenly.
A series of lightening bolts dancing over the Temple town Udupi. (as seen from Manipal) Photo by Sonal Kashyap
The Manipal.edu building as clicked by Hemant Jois after an evening of heavy rain and persistent cloud cover!
An amazing picture of the End Point, Manipal cricket ground with the clouds building up at the far end in the backdrop of a spectacular sunset.
Heavy cloud cover engulfs the scenic view from one of the high rises that have sprung up in the University town of Manipal.
A night scene of the District Collectors office at End Point Manipal with the massively spectacular clouds flying past the emblem of the union of India – Lion Capital of Ashoka at Sarnath.
The Manipal.edu building is captured in a droplet remaining from the night showers in Manipal. This photo by Sonal Kashyap won the second prize in the spot photography contest at Utsav 2013 of the Manipal University.
The Monsoon in Manipal doesn’t spare anyone or anything. This tree puts up a display of diamonds in the form of water droplets in a Photo by Smriti Ratti Kapoor. This photo was an entry in the Monsoon Magic Photography contest conducted by ManipalBlog in 2011.The surprise on the face of this monkey says it all! This photo won the first prize in the Manipal Monsoon Magic Photography contest 2011 conducted by ManipalBlog. This photo also highlights the fact that it is not the camera but the person behind the camera that takes great snaps!
Scary! Who wouldn’t be after having a look at this massive cloud formation!! This is what Monsoon in Manipal is all about!
Taming the wild. – A shot of the lightning from the storm in Manipal. Photo by Jaskaran Rana
Photo by Sajjad Fazel ( @sajjadF on twitter ) – Manipal Light and Thunder Show !!
The onset of Monsoon over Manipal in 2013 was nothing less than spectacular. Sajjad Fazel sent in this photograph this Monday!
Night shots after the rains with a long exposure provide for some spectacular photos. This one A view from Anirudh Apartment.by Rohit Kashyap falls in that category!
1 Comment
The second pic isn’t the bloomin Swarna river. It’s a monsoon puddle formed on the side of the End Point road.
The second pic isn’t the bloomin Swarna river. It’s a monsoon puddle formed on the side of the End Point road.