10 Signs that You Are a Star Wars Fan

December is a really exciting month but it is all the more exciting as the world celebrates the return of the beloved, the most epic Star Wars series. The new movie Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens has truly stirred up the little kid in us who grew up watching this incredible space saga. Fans all over the world are celebrating this return in their own ways. Here’s a look at some of the things that show you are a Star Wars fan:



  1. That moment of pride and excitement (maybe a tear of joy) when we see the opening crawl text roll and the Star Wars theme song being played.

    The many emotions while watching the opening credits
    The many emotions while watching the opening credits
  2. You have ALWAYS wanted a light saber and maybe have a light saber battle.lightsaber-fight
  3. Girls, you may have tried the iconic Princess Leia hairstyles at least once.

    Princess Leia's iconic bun hairstyle
    Princess Leia’s iconic bun hairstyle

4.You advise a beginner to Star Wars to watch episodes IV, V, VI and then watch I, II and III.

5.Darth Vader maybe from the dark side but you love this character just as much as you love Luke Skywalker, Han Solo or Princess Leia. The unforgettable scene when he tells Luke Skywalker, “I am your father” has been the centre of many jokes and memes.

I am your father

6.You speak the Yoda language or do a Chewbacca growl.Yoda

7.Playing Star Wars video games and imagining yourself as a part of the intergalactic space battles.Space battle

8.You wish your friends good luck by saying ‘May the Force be with you’.

9.Your fascination with robots started with characters like R2D2 and C-3PO.

R2D2 and C-3PO
R2D2 and C-3PO

10.You are always in a never ending argument with someone about which is better: Star Wars or Star Trek. Of course, I pick Star Wars.

I hope you guys agree with this list and there are still lots more things that Star Wars lovers do. Please send in your likes, suggestions, articles and photographs to [email protected].  MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!

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