With Season 8 on the horizon, winter’s almost over for Game of Thrones. Bummer we know! which implies that someone’s finally going to win — drum roll, – the game of thrones, right? Like Jon? Or The Night King? Or some weird incest baby?
With GOT coming soon, one simply cannot ask one to keep calm. The last season ended on a fierce note opening up a plethora of possibilities for the next and last season. As the days are passing, the fans have at least made one speculation on the upcoming season. “Will Daenerys and Jon Snow be together??” ; ” Will Cersei die??”
We never know, but the plot is definitely intense and the hush hush maintained by the actors has definitely got the audience already cling to the edge of their seats. It’s probably safe to assume that a number of our favorite characters will perish before the series ends. Whether they go out fighting the White Walkers and the Army of the Dead or fall victim to Cersei Lannister and the Golden Company remains to be seen, but if we start preparinfor their deaths now, it might not hurt as much when they come to pass.
As far as the rumours are concerned, the final battle is much severe than the battle of Bastards. That’s what we all have been waiting for, a final clash over the throne of the Seven Kingdoms and, perhaps more pressingly, all-out war between humans and the zombie White Walkers as (and no one can say we weren’t warned about this) winter finally has arrived.
Kit Harington, aka Jon Snow, had a lot to say about the upcoming eighth and final season of Game of Thrones in a recent interview with TV & Satellite Week. Just like the fans, he’s excited for people to see the final episodes. “Hopefully it will change TV again, like Game of Thrones did originally, and break boundaries,” he acclaimed. “I think it might.” But of course, he has inside information.
Finally it can be said that,
‘The night is long and full of terrors ‘
Well the wait has been long and like the winter, season 8 is finally here.
And on 14th April, our watch begins.
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