The most awaited event of the year for all those at Bejai is over and done with. This year’s Freshers’ Party, Synergy with it’s of theme of ‘Retro meets Metro’ gave the freshmen a nice opportunity to dress up in a way they had never before. And though the evening saw a spectacular performance and a variety of outfits, here are a few tips that I realized in the after-math:
1. If it’s a theme party, use it to your advantage and think out of the box. For example, going retro doesn’t only have to be about polka dots. If you want to avoid the ‘Oh-no!-she/he-is-wearing-the-same-thing!’ encounter, use your imagination and don’t be mainstream.
2. If you haven’t had your dress arranged, and the function/party is almost there, don’t take the risk of shopping online. There’s a fair chance it might not turn up at your doorstep in time. I guess you’d have to go shopping at the mall. And in the event of that case, be ready for point no. 1.
3.Please try to not use a foundation which doesn’t match your skin tone. It’ll startlingly make you look like a ghost.
4.I know we all love to share everything with our friends: our feelings, our dreams and gossip, but dermatologists caution one should never share make-up. Simply put — swapping cosmetics can mean trading germs.
5.Do not delay your trip to the parlour till the very last moment; running there as soon as DH(dissection hall;med students 1st yr) ends and then running back for your practical class might take away that ‘salon look’ away, faster than you’d like. Oh plus, be prepared to wait your turn since a rush is guaranteed.
6.If it’s going to be a long night, oh wait, I mean evening (how could I forget the curfew?) make sure your footwear is comfortable. Those killer heels might look tempting now, but the pain the next morning when you have to rush for class will make you wish you hadn’t.
7.Yes, blood red nail-paint and lipstick were and are in the trend, but beware of going overboard with it.
8.This is one is for the ones with the Y chromosome. Boys, try to dress up in a shade other than black. You all end up looking like each other in those black tuxedos. A little innovation and any other color combination would be greatly appreciated.
But all said and done, the girls were looking beautiful and had managed to pull off the retro look in an impeccable way and the fact that they could arrange all of it despite the hectic and confusing time of the first few months of college makes their efforts even more commendable. The boys too, were looking nothing short of dashing gentlemen. Good job everyone! 🙂
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