Bangalore, the Garden City of India, has metamorphosed into the Silicon Valley of India in a period of a little more than two decades. The carefree attitude of the people of this once sleepy town has slowly, but steadily undergone a sea change. From a humble town, Bangalore has grown into a city that boasts of the finest of IT companies and professionals. Apart from IT, there is a host of other companies in Bangalore too. This has made Bangalore a coveted city for living and working.
However, behind the glow of professionalism, corporate glamour, and money there is also an undercurrent of struggle. This struggle is to find inner peace, a struggle to balance career and personal life, a struggle to get some leeway in the gruelling duel for professional success so as to spend some time with family. In this pursuit, yoga can be a big help for these weary professionals. In fact, if you want to get into yoga Bangalore offers a lot of opportunities.
One of the biggest pluses of any form of yoga is that you need not buy expensive equipment to begin a session of it. All one needs is a mat and they can start it from the comfort of their room or open ground. There are a lot of promotional materials available on the internet where you can practice yoga, but if you are still on the lookout for professional help then the advice of a yoga instructor would not be a bad idea. They can guide you on what poses to take and whatnot.
Such is the benefit of yoga that pregnant women can also undertake yoga as part of their fitness sessions as it will help them get over the pain of labor with ease.
Why should I learn yoga?
To be frank, there is no escape from the life you are living. You have to wriggle your way through this tunnel of fierce competition to emerge as a successful professional. The only way is to keep your cool, stay relaxed and march ahead with renewed optimism and enthusiasm. This is exactly what yoga can help you achieve. If you practice yoga regularly you will achieve a sense of balance in your thoughts, emotions, and actions. This is what every human being strives to achieve in order to concentrate on work and enhance efficiency. Yoga helps to bring a kind of unison between your mind and body.
This will automatically bring back the mental balance that you thought was gone forever. You will achieve a sense of tranquillity in your inner self. This itself will enhance your concentration, efficiency, and sense of purpose. If you are not yet convinced about the utility of this ancient art and science then meet those who have been practicing yoga for some time. You will get a first-hand account of practicing yoga enthusiasts.
Where can I learn yoga in Bangalore?
There is a long list of Bangalore Yoga Classes. Nevertheless, the foremost is the one that is run by Sri Sri Ravishankar. This institute, located on the outskirts of Bangalore, is visited by thousands of yoga enthusiasts. There are some other yoga institutes of repute as well such as Bangalore Yoga Centre, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Kendra, Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhan Samsthana, etc.
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