Travel Photography

Before you go: Practice with your camera. Take the extra time to be sure you know how to use all the modes, attach all the accessories, and` load the film or digital media. Shoot pictures in the same lighting, and time of day that you anticipate will be like your vacation photo sessions. If you use a film camera, make sure to have your test roll developed and ask the lab about the appearance of the negatives and if problems were apparent with your film. With a digital camera, have a few shots printed at the lab. This will help you understand how the aspect ratio of your camera should be compensated for when printing to a standard sized print.

The law and photography: Before you travel abroad, ask your travel agent for information about what you can, and what you can not photograph while at your vacation destination. Laws vary from country to country. In some countries any photography without consent is considered a crime. When going to museums or art shows, ask if photography is allowed. When photographing people, always use the common sense approach of “would a reasonable person think I was intruding on privacy”? When in doubt, always ask for permission.

Tell a story with your pictures: As you look over your itinerary, anticipate how you will record your trip. Start at home with everyone packing or waiting at the airport with the destination sign in the background. Take fun photographs of your travel companions between the big stops eating, playing, or just relaxing.

Take an extra camera: Pack a camera that is easy to carry and takes good pictures. You will be able to enjoy your trip and still capture those great moments. A small digital camera with at least three megapixels will provide good snap shots and are easy to carry.

Use your flash: Make sure you understand how to set your flash modes. Use a fill flash while photographing people outdoors. The flash will fill in the shadows and compliment the quality of your people pictures.

Don’t use your flash: The flash of most cameras is eight to twelve feet. When shooting any further the flash is ineffective. Often at large sporting events held at night, you will notice flashes firing in the stands. The only thing these photographers are accomplishing is exposing heads that are directly in front of them. The chance of a good photograph is very poor.

Remember you! Don’t miss yourself in the pictures! Make sure your companions take photographs of you! Ask someone to take pictures of your whole group. Those are the pictures that every one in your group will want when you share your pictures.

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