The Tractor Rally was supposed to be peaceful. What started as a peaceful war of ideology and conflict of interest, took twists and turns in such suspenseful ways that one cannot have ever thought of.
Farm Bills, 2020 was in dispute and the farmers and their supporters did a phenomenal job holding their ground in a protest which became the face of raising voices without any violence. On the 72nd Republic Day, in the heart of the nation took place two big events.
On one hand, the armed forces were marching as the tradition commands on this day, on the other, a peaceful tractor rally which was supposed to symbolize the journey of farmers and their needs turned into a violent takeover of the famous ‘Lal Quila’ with the hoisting of what’s been rumored to be ‘Khalistan flag on top’. Despite the latter turning out to be untrue, any foreign flag apart from the nation’s tricolor at the historic Red Fort feels like an attack on the nation to an extent.
Quite recently, the world witnessed how the symbol of the free world – the USA, witnessed a day where citizens stormed Capitol Hill as a sign of protest. Never did we imagine, that the world’s biggest democracy- India, on its day of democracy, justice, equality, and representation of so much more would witness such a heart-breaking and agitating protest.
What was supposed to be a deadlock between the government and the farmers turned into a war for “Azaadi (freedom)”, and “power” of an imaginary wanted nation. Allegations have been made of why such a tractor rally was given permission on the day when we celebrate the glory of the nation. How a protest which withheld its fraternity for so many weeks suddenly turned violent? What triggered the violence? And the last, was this protest ever about the farmers, when did it become a war for caste, religion and another nation?
From Dilshad Garden to Lal Quila the rally went through the heart of the nation, psychologically stabbing and crushing the ideology of democracy and the right to protest. The feeling of providing justice went away in minutes while the protesters crossed a line and made this war against the nation.
What started out as a conflict of interest between farmers and the government turned out to be much more. What started to highlight the problems faced by common people, turned out to strike fear in the citizens that if such catastrophe can be allowed to take place, is there an extent to what can be helped to make situations better.
The Farm bills were promised to be put on hold by the central government and the Apex court itself, still, the events that took place today should always remind the citizens of India, do we want a democracy where it’s okay to attack the soul of the nation and let such people away without any punishment. From this day forth, ask yourselves, what nation do you want to be a part of where what future do you dream of? Do you think you can help make the world a better place or will violence do that for you?
About the Author – Sarthak aka Nemo (what his beloved ones call him) is a fun-loving human, with an interest to express worldly stories through his camera and words.
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