Respect: Earned not commanded.

1102409 ali g super

A buddy of mine wrote this as his facebook status today

Respect is not commanded through fear, it is earned through compassion.

He mentioned that a lot of the professors need a poster of this at every corner as a reminder of the effect their tyranny has on the student population.

This brought me back to 1st year Manipal. I disliked some of the professors. Biggest reason being that I’d seen how professors should be, back home in Canada. An not just the ones in school, the ones in my University where I studied Engineering as well.

A simple comparison”

Prof in India to students ” I’m here to teach you this subject. If you have any question about this you can try to come and meet me in my office. IF you have any other questions, please don’t bother me. I’m not here as a friend.” (This was stated exactly as is. I’ve not forgotten)

Prof in Canada: “Hey guys, my name is ____”, this is my office number, these are my office hours (written on the board), this is my email. If you have any questions about the subject feel free to drop by anytime. If you need someone to talk to or anything drop by or drop me a line.”

BTW this professor was one of the best mathematics professor’s I’ve ever knows. One of the smartest people I’ve ever known an to top it off he was a body builder and trained students for “Strongman Competitions“.

For the 1st he commanded respect out of fear that he instilled in the students. The 2nd he commanded respect for the respect he instilled in his students. Forced respect is only on your face. We’ll talk behind you and no it won’t be nice things. Respect is whenever we mention your name the tag of “Sir” goes on automatically.

Now to be honest, there are a few of them here (quite a few) that are like Prof 1, the like to command their respect. But there are equally if not more actually of professors that are like Professor #2. With their teachings, the way they talk, behave all bring out respect for them.

But I’ve realized one big thing. The biggest reason a person will not get respect is if that person does not give respect to others. Doesn’t matter what position are you in. If you talk and behave respectfully to others you’ll automatically get that back.

It’s disgusting to watch individuals who take advantage of others. Especially certain ones who have just come into a higher position. Take for example a post graduate individual. There was a F$^#%^& J$#A#$ new PG student who took it upon himself to torture the final year students (myself included), by not giving signatures for quota assignments. This a week or two before the final exams are to be held and every teacher is helping out. Why could he do it? Because he knew that we had no choice. He tortured people mentally. I’ve got nothing but disgust for douche-bags such as him. Does he ever think he’ll get respect? No, he’ll get nothing but bad karma and a lot of names.

An to end it’s a bloody circle of life. You were a student you knew how when a professor wasn’t as nice how it would be really hard on you and your friends. So why would you continue that? Why not just stop it and become a person everyone calls “Sir / Ma’am” out of respect not fear.

the cycle of Respect



  1. the last few paragraphs you wrote reminds me of something I was just talking about today…..I was talking to a professor in MCODS, who is pretty high up the ladder, but is well respected and well-liked. I have nothing against him, but what he said to me made me think about the mentality that people not only in MCODS, or Manipal, or Karnataka, but in India have (mainly talking about the general public and academies of education). I don't really like to sit around during a posting, and I'd rather get involved or do something productive (on most days haha), so in general I'll offer my hands into 4 handed dentistry. it's a closer, more personal, efficient method of learning, rather than watching alone for day in and day out. I was telling this professor about how I don't like to stand around, and his exact response was, "well, we've all been through it, so nothing is different for you all". Mind you, I like this guy alot, and I admire him, but it made me sick to think that this is the mentality of people everywhere I turn over here. Because they had to endure it, so must we. It's a type of back-handed revenge. Imagine if our parents did that to us…because they had to endure hardships, they will make us endure the same….does it work? is it right? if there is a better way to do something, then by all means, take the better route. we work our entire lives to make future generations better…that is the purpose of it all…yes, there is self-fulfillment, but if you look at the bigger picture, every advance that mankind makes, it so that our generation and future generations have it easier and better. There needs to be a fundamental change in the way people think here. Just because you got ragged, doesn't mean you have to rag your juniors. Just because you were treated poorly by a professor doesn't mean that you have to become that professor. How do we change this philosophy, that is so deeply ingrained into the minds of the society which surrounds us?

  2. @anonymous: Exactly! Wot u say is true! The ONLY way to change dis is how you react to the situations…i was ragged in my 1st year, i complained coz dey got too personal (religious stuff! wud u believe it!), and den evry1 started treating me like I am d one who was wrong! Come on! Nd I never ragged a I guess I made a change..and dats wot evryone of us needs to do! Coz Respect is earned not commanded.

  3. Professors in India become professors because they could not become anything else. The process of doing Ph.D. and becoming a professor is all about boot-licking. What, then, can we expect from this cynical, mediocre stuff? All that's there in our hands is (as Tanmay suggests) to try and change the rules of the game as and when practically possible. End the vicious circle of torture and start the virtuous circle of help.

  4. @Anonymous: I don't know which prof's you've met. I know I've met some amazing professors here in the last couple of years. Some of which easily I'd always like to remember with respect. So no it's not all. Some do yes. But that is something that will be in every part of this world in every field. Some as amazing, some so so, some just shouldn't have been there.

    Key is if someone reads this perhaps and realizes an maybe change the cycle and stop it. Or just has a revelation. Either way

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