And Here’s a bit about me 🙂

I go gaga over anything cute.
Now thinking up topics for weekly cartoons is hard, and Architecture is an annoyingly hectic course -.-. So it would be unbelievably helpful if you could leave suggestions or requests for comic strip topics in the comments below 😀
And in return, you would have my everlasting gratitude….
No? I could be your slave for a day?
…… I promise you all chocolate? 🙂
Aha :P. THERE you go :* 😉
Also do send in any other articles, photographs or any other contributions to [email protected] 🙂
You go girl!!!
From one Potterhead to another,Harry potter is a way of life!!! *high five*
High five, Sister :D! (Btw, I saw your ravenclaw coverpage 😀 ANOTHER HIGH FIVE! I’m a Ravenclaw too XD !)
I will never get over the amazing feeling i get when i meet a fellow Potterhead!!!!!
awesome meg!! m rooting for you all the way :* :*
:* Thank you, cute girl!!! :*