And yo!
A quote my dad email-ed me kind of describes my life right now- ‘I take one day at a time, but sometime several days gang up and attack me at once.’
And THAT, my loves, is why I didn’t put up a comic up last week. I’ve been up to my eyeballs in plans, sections and elevations of my bus terminus design. Just drowning in it. I think I’ve slept only two days out of seven in the last week =.=
So anyhoo…


Home food.
CHOCOLATES :D!!! Â Cookies!! Fruit Loops (Yes, I asked my parents to courier me cornflakes ^^”) !!!
Damn, I’ve missed it. I miss Arabic cuisine :/ I mean, I was having dreams about cheese fatayers the other day! Anyway, I guess I just gotta keep telling myself that I’ll be home soon. Only one and a half months of torture to go, yeah?
Yeah, so this post is going to be short. As I mentioned before, I’m swamped with work, so I don’t really have much time to work on comics these days :/
SO here are a couple of random notebook sketches, just to fill up space 😛
Awesome Artist of the week : Resemble 😀 !
Also do send in any other articles, photographs or any other contributions to [email protected] 🙂
And any suggestions for comic strip topics in the comments below will be very much appreciated 😀 !
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