A second year Manipal Institute of Technology student, Swaropaan Deetee was thrown out of Manipal Frizzled Chicken (MFC) on Saturday night after ordering his 20th meal of the evening. Deetee had ordered 10 Chipotle Chicken Burger among others.
“We generally do not misbehave with our customers but this man was playing with our patience,” said the server. “At first it seemed that he had failed but then it was revealed that he was a topper and was actually celebrating his result,” he added. The Backbenchers’ association applauded MFC’s actions and urged everyone to fight with them in their war against the newly formed Toppers’ association.
On reaching out to the man himself, Swaroopan Deetee said that he was actually hungry that day and his ferocious appetite had nothing to do with his results. “ I just had oatmeal, yogurt, coffee, orange juice and toast with poached eggs. And then half a sandwich on my way here.”
His story soon went viral on Social Media with several Instagram influencers posting reels on this issue. The restaurant was forced to issue a statement to tackle this criticism and hence they again invited Swaroopan to come and eat at their restaurant. This time he ate happily but was asked to leave the place again as soon as he had dipped his Chicken Taco into the pineapple juice he was drinking.
“Even if our license is scrapped, we can’t allow someone committing food sin in front of us,” said the manager. Following this incident, The Backbenchers’ association withdrew their support and put Swaroopan Deetee in their black list forever.
About the author : The Author is a second year student of Manipal. He is a part of the resistance that protested against their parents about going back home when the second wave hit Manipal in March 2021. However the resistance failed and he had to go back. Currently, he is suffering.