Gone are the trees, the big and the small,
Gone are some of the old sprawling mansions,with their refreshing lawns.
Gone are the sights of beauty and sea shore,
Gone are the birds too, I don’t know where anymore.
What remains are just old memories and a sense of void. Giants of steel and cement have been built on the main roads and bylanes, some tall enough to block out the scenic vistas, turning this once lazy town into a jungle of brick and concrete. Tree after tree is being cut down, digging up earth and bathing the city in dust; the air is no longer colourless and pure.
The homes now turn a light red by evening; household articles, the furnitures sports a fine coating of dust by evening. The colour of the furnishing fabric acquires a tint of brown. Trees in the city are dying a slow death, thanks to unscientific asphalting of pavements. The tussle between environmentalists and government authorities on illegal tree felling also continues. With such a turn of events, spotting a good old tree in our garden city might soon be a rarity. The sweet chirp of birds in the evening now replaced by the hue and cry of a bustling soon to be metropolis. For unknown reasons, the sparrow has started to die out, similar to the fall in frog and toad population worldwide.
Are they telling us something about the state of affairs of this world?
Good post. You should write more on Namma Kudla – Mangalore. Would love to post good articles on our large facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/login/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fmangalore.city
@Suj: Thanks for dropping by and commenting on this post. I try to write stuff that appeals to me, if I do write on Mangalore, will post it on your facebook page 🙂
This is how the world is going. I don't know how many Fukushimas and Chernobyls will be needed for man to return to nature. But, I'm sure of one thing – the cycle will be completed. Ultimately, the human race will turn to simple ways! And that will mean, more greenery, more forests, more animals!
@Anonymous: My question is, do we have to wait till that time? Why can't we go in for safer fuel? Eco-friendly buildings?
It's difficult to change the tide of civilization. Man learns the hard way; when Nature punishes or when disasters strike. I also hope alongwith you that our race may learn by foresight and wisdom. Let's see.
@AnonymousYeah.. thats why we are still using primarily coal instead of Nuclear.Coal has the highest deaths per TWh, with nuclear having one of the lowest number of death/TWhhttps://www.nextbigfuture.com/2011/03/deaths-per-twh-by-energy-source.html