How to Create the Ideal Environment for Studying

ideal environment for studying
Photo by Annie Spratt

Do you struggle to focus and get things done during study sessions? Well, the environment you study in might have something to do with it! Research shows that the type of environment you study in can affect your productivity quite a bit, so follow these tips to optimize your study location and start knocking out assignments more efficiently!

Choose a good location.

The best study locations are comfortable and as close to distraction-free as possible. You might want to work from the desk in your room, the dining room table, the library, or a coffee shop, depending on whether you like to have background noise while doing homework and studying. Wherever you choose to study, try to stick with that location as much as possible. This helps to form a connection in your brain so that when you sit down in that particular area, you take on a studying mindset.


What inspires you? What motivates you to study? Decorate your study area with reminders of your inspiration and motivation. Depending on your chosen study location, you may be able to go all-out and decorate the walls with inspirational posters or a vision board. Or if you prefer to study from a public location, writing quotes on sticky notes can be very helpful. Creating a digital vision board or choosing a quote that speaks to you to set as your laptop background can also help you stay motivated during study sessions.

Don’t forget about good lighting.

Trying to study in semi-darkness is not only difficult, but it’s extremely frustrating and can even strain your eyes. Regardless of your study location, ensure that you have plenty of light for reading and writing. Proper lighting also ensures that you stay awake and alert, which is definitely necessary for a productive study session.

Temperature makes a difference.

If you’re studying at home, then you’ll obviously have more control over the temperature in your environment. Some people prefer to be warmer, while others focus better in cooler temperatures, so it’s really up to your own personal preference. If you study in a public location, try wearing layers so that you’ll be comfortable regardless of the temperature.

Set the mood.

One fun tip is to light the same scented candle each time you study or do homework. After a while, your brain will associate that scent with schoolwork! You can also drink a specific kind of coffee or tea during study sessions for the same effect. If you like listening to music while you study, you might want to set up a playlist specifically for studying. Getting more of your senses involved helps you to become more immersed in your studies, improving your productivity.

Plan your study sessions.

Before you sit down to study, figure out what you’d like to focus on and accomplish. Then you can use your study time wisely, rather than wasting time or working on assignments that aren’t as urgent. A plan will help you identify what your goals are and ensure that you’re moving toward them. You can even write your study plan on a sticky note and hang it so that you can easily see it while studying. If you struggle to plan, focus, and concentrate, take a look at BetterHelp for information on various mental health topics.

Have all your materials handy.

Is there anything worse than setting up your study space and settling in, only to find that you’ve forgotten your laptop charger or the one textbook you need to complete an assignment? If you often forget some of your study materials, it might be a good idea to make a list that you can check off as you gather your materials for the day. Having everything you may potentially need at the ready makes studying much simpler.

Taking Care of Your Mental Health While Attending College Online 1About the Author: Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health-related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

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