How My Blog Opened Up a World of Income-Earning Opportunities
I started my blog Live Simply, Live Thrifty, Live Savvy after beginning to earn some income through per-piece writing. My blog became a crucial tool that provided the possibility for future income-earning opportunities, including as a publication writer and writing for numerous other clients’ blogs.
Another opportunity that my blog has afforded me is the chance to make money through sponsored blog posts.
What is a Sponsored Post?
A sponsored blog post is a paid blog post requested by a company or other organization that wants to advertise their product, event, or campaign.
They will pay to essentially “rent space” on an established blog in the form of a written blog post that is normally composed at least partially by the blogger.
Companies love to utilize bloggers because bloggers know how to write, they have an established network that trusts what they say, and they know how to promote their blog posts.
For an advertiser, a sponsored blog post allows them to advertise their product, event, or campaign to a targeted audience in a more natural and organic way compared to other traditional advertising methods.
Getting Paid to Blog
As a blogger, sponsored content provides a wealth of income-earning opportunities. In addition to my client-based work as a freelance writer/blogger and social media/research consultant, I earn a portion of my income through sponsored blog posts.
What I Love About Sponsored Blog Posts
There are a few things that I love about earning income through sponsored blog posts:
- They are normally easy to write if you are familiar with blogging
- I can do them when I have time and step back when I do not
- They increase my own blog’s exposure
- I will often receive payment through Payza and normally without invoicing
- Low commitment, decent pay, including both monetary and free product
- I get to partner with great companies who are interested in my blog
My Favorite Resources for Finding Sponsored Blog Posts Opportunities
Sponsored blog posts have becoming such a popular way of advertising that there are whole companies and websites devoted to connecting bloggers to advertisers.
Here are some of my favorites:
Latina Bloggers Connect—This website connects Hispanic female bloggers to brands interested in utilizing their blogger network through sponsored posts. They offer some fantastic campaigns with plenty of blogger support. I have done a variety of posts with Latina Bloggers Connect, including raising awareness towards health issues and charities, providing helpful tips, and helping to preserve memories.
Clever Girls Collective— This website connects socially savvy influencers to brands interested in utilizing those skills to promote their interests. They have plenty of fun opportunities with quality blogger support. I have done a handful of posts with Clever Girls Collective, including promoting products and providing beauty tips.
Business 2 Blogger—I joined up with this network last year and they have a lot of great opportunities. As the name suggests, the website connects brands and businesses to bloggers for sponsored posts and product reviews. I have yet to complete any sponsored posts with them, but I have been in contact with some of the individuals that work for the website and they seem like a good group of people.
SheHeard/Blogger Campaigns —This website connects female bloggers to brands. I have done one blog post with them in the past promoting the use of a product.
Splash Creative Media— This social media marketing firm connects bloggers and brands, and one of the principals is Kelly Whalen from The Centsible Life. I have reviewed a fun website in partnership with them.
The SITS Girls/Massive Sway— Massive Sway is a joint venture between The SITS Girls and Sway Group that connect bloggers and brands. I joined up with this network last year and they have some good opportunities. However I have never done a post with them yet. I just joined up with their newer iSway portal.
Sverve—I was referred to this website by Bloggy Moms. The website connects businesses and female influencers. I just got started with this website a few months back, so I have yet to take advantage of any opportunities, but it seems like they have some good ones to offer.
10 Keys to Success in Writing Sponsored Blog Posts
- To be considered for sponsored blog posts, you should work on improving your online presence, including Google Analytics and Google Page Rank, Klout Score, Alexa ranking, and number of social media followers. In order to get the biggest bang for their buck, many brands are looking for high-exposure influencers with a significant audience and following as demonstrated by these numbers.
- You must be able to follow specific instructions that will be provided to you. Yes, there is creativity involved, but within the confines of what the brand is looking for.
- Ask if you have questions. This goes back to being able to follow directions explicitly.
- You will normally need to promote the sponsored blog post via social media as directed. It does not hurt to promote it on social media outlets besides just the particular ones that the brand requests.
- In order to get paid, you will normally need to report back with the blog post link, along with applicable links to requested social media postings.
- Be open to fixing errors or changing things as requested by the brand. Strive to be accommodating and easy to work with.
- It may take 30-60 days after a campaign ends to receive payment for the blog post. Payment can range from $30 – $200 depending on the campaign.
- You may be asked to promote the blog post at least once on social media. I suggest continuing to promote the blog post above and beyond the minimum required. Brands are looking for influencers and you want them to consider you for the future. Make sure to use any requested tags and/or hashtags.
- Act quickly. Do what you say that you are going to do when you say that you will do it. Trust in you as a service provider is key. If you cannot complete a post for some reason, let them know ASAP.
- Follow FTCguidelines regarding sponsored content and advertising. Often this involves including a disclosure to let readers know that you were paid to write the post. These guidelines can change over time, so you should stay informed of potential new policies.
Sponsored blog posts can be a great way to monetize your blog and supplement your income. They can also be a fun way to round out the content on your blog and create partnerships that may last for longer than just the campaign.
Have you ever completed a sponsored blog post? What did you think of the process and outcome? Do you find it to be a helpful source of income for your WAHM business? Please comment and let us know what YOU think about sponsored content.
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