Happy Pills :-)

“With you gone,I’m alive ,makes me feel like I took happy pills …” sings Norah Jones filling my autumn’s evening with hues of long-lost joy. In this fast paced life, we hardly get any time to spare for ourselves or people around us. Days just go by, we stay entangled in the endless cycle of assignments, one after the other. To top that even if we do get some time, we are hardly left with anyone who’s free at the same time. It’s fine for some people but others may not be that strong. Summing up many such lonely nights in this busy era, it’s very easy to fall into the clutches of Β “Depression”.


But hey! We don’t need to get into the gloomy zone, we’re here to get OUT of it. Here are some goodies that’ll help you eat and feel great:

spinachomelettesm 1. Start your day right with sumptuousΒ breakfast –Β Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. One should try having a wholesome and tasty breakfast (instead of skipping it just because you woke up late!). There are some quickie recipes which you can try. For instance, spinach egg omelette recipe takes only 15 minutes to prepare, and is packed with vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, essential to depression anxiety recovery.

If you are a vegetarian,the best way to start the day would be 3 slices of toasted brown bread and vegetable stew/fruit salad. Both of them are quite easy and quick to make.


2. Work that TENSION out,let POSITIVITYΒ come in!Yes I know you’re too tired, you don’t have any time left… blah and blah. But you have to admit it you can Β crunch in at least Β 25 minutes a day. You know and so do I that we always do make time for things we consider to be important. You can try a routine of power yoga everyday to loosen those clenched muscles. One of the reasons yoga makes people feel better is because it increases levels of GABA, a [brain chemical] that’s reduced in depression. Also it let’s you breathe better, thereby increasing your METABOLISM.

3. Let go of Β bad addictions,try something you’re “passionate” about – It’s a normal thing these days, especially in the metros where young people are hooked on to something or the other, smoking, drinking so on and so forth. These are deadly substances which may make you forget your miserable life for a while, but leave long-term harmful effects on your body. Try slowly moving away from that zone, indulge yourself into something else you love. Music is one of the best ways to express yourself, and it’s something that there will always be someone to share with Painting, clay modelling do the trick for others! Go on, explore yourself!cc_music_lead1

4. Sleep like a baby. I mean it, literally! –Β  Sleep is an important reason for determining your mood. If you don’t sleep enough or have a disturbed Β sleep, you’ll sure to be behaving like a”Β Drama Queen” of sorts. Now, we don’t want that. It is sometimes difficult to fall asleep. In those situations, you can do a bit of meditation or pour Β yourself a cup of chamomile tea. A Β warm bath before bed also helps, making you feel more relaxed.

baby sleep

And lastly, try helping others. It’s the best way to feel good about life. Any one needs an arm to push the couch,go ahead,help them! Start small but keep doing good for others in any form you can!

Send in your articles,comments and experiences toΒ [email protected]!Cheers!

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