Get wound in the tapestry!




When life is  so colorful

Why do we get bored

And think about the black and white episodes

Of yester years most of the time?


Upon the trodden paths

That are non-existent

Yet we dwell upon the passed out trait

Waiting for a change from the darkened past

Its time to start fresh on the white base

 And paint it into a hearty sight

May be black or still white

Still a color of its own might

Get mixed in the color of life

With its vibrant Shades signifying

Every shade of life

With every aspect to the fullest splendour


The rainbow awaits its adornment

With the colors so bright

Making it a  irresistible

And the breathtaking sight


With the union of the colors

And the hands woven together

Is all that is needed to

Form  tapestry of the unbound!


Thank you for reading. 🙂

For feedback u can mail me at [email protected] or at [email protected] or you can even comment below. 🙂


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