As we watch our nation struggle to withstand a pandemic; a situation no one could have foreseen, I wonder every night what is that one thing keeping me sane in these hard times? I’ve always been an outgoing person and of course, staying inside in lockdown was a major task. Every single day has been intertwined with chaos yet I manage to keep my calm. Keep my calm and stay hopeful.
What’s my secret?
I spent a month in Manipal Campus and realized that if life is a journey, then being a solo traveler is an impossible task. Your fellow travel mates and all the moments soaked with fun, drama and deep or completely senseless talks you have with them is what you take away. Your travel buddies, your friends are the family we can select, regular people who just click with you like no one else does.
While the world is busy trying to figure out a solution for the wider mass, I would urge people to stay at home and reflect on the worth of the people you love and admire in your life. It took me a long time to come to this conclusion which I am now summing up in a single line, ‘To live and let live is a sacrifice we have to make today.’
If you care for the people you love, if you have the tiniest hope to see them again, to love, laugh and cry with them again, keep that fire inside you burning. The day will come when this chaos will fade away and it’ll be a blurry memory. After all, everyone knows “after chaos comes thy peace.”
Post and Picture by: @_.captain.nemo._
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