Having opened up the economy and set it free from Inspector Raj, the Government has wisely set in motion the process of both inclusive and all-round growth. Yet for as large a country as India with well over a billion population, economic prosperity, in the real sense of the term, that should include the down-trodden and the indigent, needs entrepreneur galore. After laissez Faire – entrepreneurs must step in to achieve the intended goal of growth.
Institutions and Agencies, which are presently employing the un employed, cannot absorb the huge that is lying around and clamoring for jobs. If the ten million jobs are to be created in the next decade, which is the estimated number to be filled, entrepreneurs on an extensive as well as intensive scale, is the only conceivable solution.
Both America and Europe have prospered only when entrepreneurship flourished. Indians have come to be acknowledged with admiration for their skill, intelligence and creativity. This they have proved by their performance in foreign lands. Whether it is Microsoft, NASA or IBM, Indians made their competent presence felt in respectable degree as well as in numbers. We are not wanting in any way. Given opportunity and suitable environment, Indians can perform wonders in their own country as well as they do in other lands.
Entrepreneurs are wealth creators and a self-created wealth provides a bulwark against calamities like recession. It is high time that the need for letting entrepreneurship flourish is recognized and suitable environment created for it operate without hassles. This alone seems to be the magic wand that can bring about the economic prosperity intended to attain to eradicate the scourge of poverty, indigence and need.
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