10th October is recognized as “World Mental Health Day” by the World Health Organization. World Mental Health Day raises public awareness about mental health issues. The day promotes open discussion of mental disorders, and investments in prevention, promotion and treatment services. This year the theme for the day is “YOUNG PEOPLE AND MENTAL HEALTH IN A CHANGING WORLD”.
Tonight yet another Manipalite decided to end his life. Tomorrow Manipal will mourn him for a few minutes, his family will grieve for eternity and the rest of the world will move on. What prompted him to carry out this sad action? Only a few of his friends and close family may be able to answer. What’s sad about this is that, Manipal Academy of Higher Education has a strong student support center and a hotline for students to discuss any issue that’s causing them stress, and in complete anonymity.
The changes in technology and how we express ourselves is a dichotomy; the very medium used for delivering a personal message is often the same medium that creates a feeling of emptiness. Looking at the lives of others through a narrow portal of what people chose to show, often creates apathy and emptiness in our life. Often the comparisons begin of how friends are having a “happening” life while we apparently struggle. Young people in moments of disagreement or hostility are now taught to use words rather than fists. In some strange twist of irony though, the words have become more destructive than the alternative.
Depression affects more than 350 million people of all ages, in all communities, and is a significant contributor to the global burden of disease. Although there are known effective treatments for depression, access to treatment is a problem in most countries and in some countries fewer than 10% of those who need it receive such treatment. If you feel that you, a friend, or a family member is facing danger as a result of depression, a quick search on “in patient treatment for depression near me” could point you in the right direction towards a journey to recovery. Acknowledging your issues, talking to a friend, and seeking professional help can go a long way towards your journey to recovery.
The greatest crisis facing our health and health care systems today is Mental Illness. Bar none. The burden of mental illness and addictions is more than 1.5 times that of all cancers.
It has taken many years of a slow progression to foster small pockets of open discussion on the subject. Imagine what it will take to really do something.
Everywhere you turn, there are organizations raising money for cancer. I could write for hours and not exaggerate in the slightest. Don`t get me wrong; cancer is a terrible disease and people are, in my opinion, needlessly suffering. (I lost my Grandmother to cancer)
But there’s another killer disease out there folks – and we aren`t acknowledging it nearly enough to affect real change.
We at ManipalBlog have written on these topics a few times before. We request those who are reading this to please look out for your friends, oftentimes, they will give hints of what they are going through. Please do not laugh it off. They are in genuine need and you could be the difference!
Give life a chance. It’s not that bad out there. Do not implode.
The Student Support Centre is No. 125, the house that sits at the corner of the lane opposite Melaka Manipal Medical College (MMMC).
Postal Address: Student Support Centre, No. 125, Opposite MMMC, Manipal 576104
Telephone: 08202922430, 0820-2922430
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