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Seminar success

Cheer up time.I am done with my seminar successfully today.Department critics committee(no such committee exist as such but considering experience of senior profs, the critics they give are considered to be very valid and so I call them critics committee).So […]

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Shameless fungus

Unaware of how expensive a particular gadget is, fungus harbors and screws up them.This is what has happened to my mobile since few days.Intermittently working buttons since few days worried me and when I went to a service center, to […]

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Temper Tantrums

A medical terminology used to describe behavior of the kids who loose there temperaments quickly and their response range from simple crying to kicking and head banging up to breath holding spells.Somewhat similar rage and anger I felt yesterday when […]

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Save your shave

Recently developed terminology by my senior.He often comes unshaved in the dept and when asked about the reason, he says everything maintains its charm only when infrequent.Not so true for everything, it was definitely true for his beard as he […]

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India is famous worldwide for variety of festivals which are celebrated here.Not more than 10 days since the Onam another festival is approaching that is ‘Janmashtami’.The word speaks for itself.Seperating the two intermingled words, it says ‘Janm’ and ‘Ashtami’ that […]