Belief , faith, trust seemed like synonyms when I was a child but to understand the real meaning of it all- its important to have hope first.
Hope that you will have someone who can trust and has faith on you to do the same and believe on the relationship that you build upon.
This is a short story of the girl I wanted to share ,
One day I went to buy fruits and I felt someone holding my hand and I turned only to see a girl who was standing behind me, she was small, around 7 years old I think, dark in complexion, rugged clothes and matted hair, seemed like it had been quite a few days she hadn’t had a bath.
I just looked at her and her eyes seemed to pass away from my face towards the fruits which stood untouched and quite colorfully placed on the stalls.
She kept pointing out at the mangoes and said something in Kannada.
I didn’t understand and I asked the fruit vendor and he said that she wants the fruit, which I kind of understood by her body language and the longing in her eyes staring at the mangoes.
The fruit vendor smiled at the girl and said something which made the girl look at me in hope, not knowing what to do as I smiled back at her and tried to explain her in my language that don’t worry I will buy for you.
After I was done with my shopping I got her some mangoes and studied her face she seemed to be staring at the mangoes in glee and smiled at my face acknowledging the gesture and moved away eating one of the mangoes.
I looked back at the vendor he smiled at me nodding away later looking at the little girl part her way. I smiled back at him and left. I felt myself smiling away on my way back to the hostel.
Making someone happy truly gives you more happiness.
But when do we get opportunities like this to make someone smile or give them food?
I went off happily feeling satisfied that I gave someone food to eat but little did I bother about where she lived, if she had parents, or any basic information about her whereabouts.
This happens with almost everyone of us, we get so many chances to help those who really need our help and yet we try to move away from it all being our usual selfish self.
All the time we stay cocooned in our match box houses and the comfy zones and we are the people who keep complaining about the slightest things while our greed has no limits with the growing economy among the rich and falling of the quality of life among the poor.
A few verses of a poem by the poet Pablo Naruda…
For once on the face of the Earth
let’s not speak in any language,
let’s stop for one second,
and not move our arms so much.
If we were not so single-minded
about keeping our lives moving,
and for once could do nothing,
perhaps a huge silence
might interrupt this sadness
of never understanding ourselves
and of threatening ourselves with
Perhaps the Earth can teach us
as when everything seems dead
and later proves to be alive.
All it takes to change is a small thought and the gesture to bring thought alive if all of us come together and work for a better tomorrow.
food for thought!
Thank you guys for reading the article and hope you too come across some ways of helping those who truly need what we have and they don’t.
for your feedback you can comment or send me your views on [email protected] or at [email protected] 🙂
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