An I’m not commenting on locals or people who don’t know any better, but students who really ought to. Like it says, you’re all adults now, it’s about time you start acting like one.
I recall a time when I went to a party with a bunch of friends and not one of us knew how to use the 4 knives / forks / spoons that they keep for a full course meal. I came back, googled it an was enlightened.
Make use of Google and the web. It can be used for a lot more then facebook / twitter / and other unmentionable things.
From one of my most favorite websites theChive.
At the same time,one needs to know the netiquette too…
Using the words like douche*** and a***holes should be avoided….Agree Mr.Author???
Why is this is a Church forum? This is PG 13 profanity. How old are you Batman?
@Kanwar Paaji
I never knew netiquette is meant for church forums…. :O
An online forum be it for a church is a forum is it not? 🙂