Equipment for Cycling in the Cold

Few things in cycling are worse than trying to repair a flat tire in the cold. To avoid this miserable situation many cyclists use heavier tires, perhaps with a puncture-resistant Kevlar beltir?t=vishaalslair 20&l=ur2&o=1 under the tread. The added width also provides better control in adverse road conditions.

q? encoding=UTF8&Format= SL160 &ASIN=B001CK2DZM&MarketPlace=US&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&tag=vishaalslair 20&ServiceVersion=20070822Some riders have a “beater” bike so their best machine doesn’t get trashed on sloppy winter roads. Others ride a mountain bike on the road during the winter, perhaps equipped with studded snow tires. These bikes can be equipped with a rear rack and trunk for carrying extra clothing, food and spare 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B001CK2DZM

The most important thing is to get on the bike despite cold weather to maintain your fitness. Riding during winter can be a fun way to experience the change of seasons. However, no one will blame you if you draw the line and forego outside riding when the roads are dangerously slippery or the weather is simply too severe. You can still get an excellent workout if you ride inside on rollers, a resistance trainer or in a spinning class. Conditions will improve in a few days and you can get on the road again.

For cold-weather cycling, remember VIP: ventilate, insulate, and protect. Ventilate body heat to reduce sweat. Insulate your body, particularly high blood flow areas such as the head, neck and extremities. Protect yourself from wind, rain and snow with appropriate outerwear.

Remember that spring is just around the corner. And if winter simply gets too unbearable, you an always sneak off for a week of riding in Florida or Arizona!

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