After joining Med School, you find the inexplicable need to make sure every person you have ever known sees and thinks of you to be a well-established doctor within the first few months of you having enrolled. This however, is dream never to be satisfied, for it soon becomes clear that getting a name in this profession takes years. Decades even. Not taking this fact to heart, our adolescent and juvenile minds turn to the next best thing- Doctor Shows! It somehow makes sense for Med Students to drool over every TV Series there is pertaining to some way or the other to our field because let’s face it- the TV wouldn’t lie to us would it? I must admit, I set down this pathetic trail myself, and happened across a Sit Com that took nine seasons to completion: Scrubs.
Kind of hard imagining a comedy set around and about a center of ubiquitous death and illness, isn’t it? Scrubs manages to show the upside to being a doctor (few thought they may be) and the responsibilities this profession holds. They manage to tear away from having to pull the viewer too deep into the sadism of it by centering around John Dorian (JD) and Christopher Turk, two college buddies that behave like five year olds in love when not out to try and save lives. JD finds a mentor in Dr. Perry Cox, a mean old “for the patients” doctor who takes pleasure in demeaning him with his all too famous insulting rants.
All through the series, several aspects of working in a hospital are touched upon, like the relationship between Doctors and Nurses. Men of Medicine and those of Surgery. Of Mentors and Apprentices. And that’s where the genius of this show lies. Despite having all these depicted through the series, it maintains a comic stance throughout, even in the face of death.
So tune in to the drama, romance and all sorts of doctor-y stuff that goes on in Sacred Heart Hospital. And although it sort of sounds boring, it actually is really funny. Definitely will leave you with a split in your side.
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