‘Manipal’ – pronounce it the way you want to. MoneyPal or ManyPal, it is going to live up to your expectations either way or not! If you’ve reached this page because you’ve taken admission to MIT Manipal and you are an MIT Manipal Fresher, then you’ve reached the right place. I will be graduating from this college in 2016, so I guess, I do have a few things that may come in handy for the average excited MIT Manipal Fresher. You with the excited look in the eyes and a dream in your minds. You who may have been blitzed by the media about Satyanarayana Nadella and Rajiv Suri success stories. Trust me, you too can do that, but it needs patience and time.
Without much more to say, here I list the 7 Important things to remember for the MIT Manipal Fresher:

1. Party responsibly (India Today rated Manipal as the best college town to party at), at least for the first month or so. Have as much fun as you like, but stick to the perm time else these authorities will take strict action. Girls especially…I think your female seniors would tell you just how tough the matrons can get.
Also read: The Twenty mistakes you don’t want to make during your Manipal Years!

2. Don’t talk back to the teachers too much or escalate arguments beyond a certain level. Take it from us, we’ve made enough of those mistakes.
Also read: What a Professor Expects from his Student at Manipal – Manipal Surival Guide
3. Cell Phones in class: Use them as much as you like, IF you’re an expert in hiding them. If a prof takes them, commence begging for forgiveness. AND ALWAYS KEEP THEM SILENT.

4. Certain people from my batch went a bit too far with pranks played in class. While it was all fun at first, the authorities had the last laugh. Be in control.
Also read: Fifteen things I learnt in my Freshman year
5. Don’t join too many clubs or sports teams, else you’ll be too burdened and you won’t be able to focus on keeping your grades level. All the same, please do join at least one club or try for at least one team, because it is really fun, and does give you something to do in the evenings and on Sundays. For some people like me, a certain theater group changed my life and made me happy beyond measure. I hope you discover such happiness too.
6. Grades: First year is perhaps the only year where you are spoon fed with slides. Take advantage of that. Your First year GPA does account for a significant part of your CGPA. I didn’t do that well and spent the next year trying very hard to bring it to a reasonable level. But I think if you start studying sincerely a week before exams then you should be fine. Then again, that differs from person to person.
If you do end up getting an F in a particular subject, make sure you clear it in the same semester’s make-up exam, so that it won’t reflect in a negative way on your grade sheet. The maximum grade you can get in a makeup exam is a C.

7.Attendance: 75%. That means nothing less. Otherwise you are at the complete mercy of your ill-fated subject’s professor. Medical certificates from anywhere other than KMC never worked here, and now even KMC doesn’t issue them or something like that. It’s basically a mess so be wise. Leave at least 2-3 bunks as a buffer for exams or whatever. I know people who’ve suffered greatly because of ODs and you wouldn’t want to go down that road.
You’re now part of MIT. A college whose reputation recently has been on a tremendous high. Act like it. And enjoy yourselves as much as you can. Manipal is the town of opportunity. Not just for academics.
Also read: Six Things you should know as a College Freshman at Manipal
About the Author: Karan Gera, is in the 3rd year of his BTech in Biotechnology course at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal. He is a part of the theater group Dramanon where he is an actor and director. He is currently working as an intern at one of the top pharma companies in Bangalore.
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