Web hosting offerings can vary in pricing as well as the features on offer. Knowing your requirements is essential to make a smart choice in your website planning process. One major factor you need to take a call on is your budget. Luckily this festive season you are likely to get some black friday web hosting deals.
The vital elements that a reliable web hosting service can offer are as follow:
Disk/Storage Space
A web hosting account has a specific disk/storage space that you can rent on the server. The volume of storage includes all the content of your web pages, graphics, other media content that can be used on the web pages, files that visitors can download, and any space that can be utilized for emails. People can opt for packages with extra disc space to be able to add more content, videos, music, pictures, downloadable files.
Data/Bandwidth Transfer
These two functions are predominant since they are similar but contain different aspects of processes that go together. Data transfer relates to the amount of data being transferred monthly. When you are exceeding the allocated monthly limit, it can result in a temporary shutdown of the website or a fee charged to your account. Make sure you select a plant with adequate data transfer to accommodate extra traffic and content.
Bandwidth relates to the amount of data being transferred in a single time. The less bandwidth allotted, the slower your website takes to load, regardless of your connection speed of visitors. Higher bandwidth is pricey because it drains a server’s resources and can influence the performance of the other customer’s sites on the same server.
Online Web Check picked their top ones in the Canadian market to host your websites.
Control Panel Features
Any website owner needs to create and manage the website and its content. The control panel has the tools for managing and uploading web pages, managing FTP accounts, domains, subdomains, creating parked domains, protecting directories, add-on domains, redirecting a visitor to other locations, back up data, website statistics, spam filters, and virus protection as well as the tools for security and privacy. Check out Hosting Foundry for more web-hosting-related servers.
Guaranteed uptimes mean that your website is guaranteed to be functional at least 99.9 percent of the time. This guarantee must include network uptime, web service and service uptime, server uptime, and 24/7 support.
Domain Name
Once your domain registration is done, the domain name is bought and available for use over a specified period in time. It generally is one year but can be extended at any time. A domain name must be renewed before the registration expires; otherwise, the name will be available for the general public for purchasing.
Some web hosts have control over domains they register; therefore, domain owners must retain the option of transferring the domain to another registrar. Ensure that you are aware of the terms and conditions of transferring a domain.
Shared And Dedicated IP Address
An IP address is a numerical name of a website that tells other PCs where the server host and domain is found on the net. There are benefits associated with having a shared or dedicated IP address. A dedicated IP address refers to a site that is the only site using a specific IP address.
Such a site has better SEO ratings, advanced privacy, and security options. A Private SSL certificate was made to confirm the website and server identity. Such a certificate is a requirement for e-commerce websites that accept credit card payments online.
A shared IP address refers to hundreds of websites and businesses that are sharing one server with a single IP address. Shared IP addresses make it less complicated for hosting companies to maintain and manage the servers and offer such a feature at a lower fee.
The disadvantage is that if other websites sharing the IP address is blacklisted or banned due to scamming or spamming, such actions directly influence other websites that are on the server. Affected sites can disappear from search engines, and internet service providers can block their emails. A shared SSL certificate still offers a secure URL, and many e-commerce sites offer shared SSL to their clients.
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