Going to university is a time that can be a little scary, a little daunting, but at the same time quite exciting. However, graduating from university often has plenty of scary and daunting qualities with very little of the excitement. This is because your graduation marks the beginning of the life where you are meant to stand on your own two feet and fend for yourself. In order to make sure you will be able to do this sooner than later, there are a number of things you should do as a university graduate.
Be proactive
It can be tempting for students to simply head back to their parents’ house, veg out on the settee, and do absolutely nothing for lengthy periods of time after graduating. However, this is a bad habit to get into and one that will not reap you any rewards. Instead, make sure you start being proactive as soon as you leave university. Start off by creating a good CV to send off to potential employers and then get online and start looking for employment. Even if you are unable to find a job that falls within your area of expertise, any job will stand you in good stead in terms of work experience and will showing willingness when your perfect job does come along.
Use the Internet wisely
The Internet can be a hugely valuable resource to university graduates. With the help of the internet you can create your CV, research jobs, make job applications, and more. However, what you need to avoid doing is damaging your chances of success by using the internet unwisely. For example, be mindful about social networking sites and what you put on them, as you don’t want potential employers coming across embarrassing photos and information about you. Joining a website like LinkedIn will also help get you started on making a professional name for yourself, even if you are lacking experience. LinkedIn acts as an online resume these days.
Start thinking about accommodation
While you might think that your parents are delighted to have you back home from university, the chances are they are hoping you will start looking for your own place now that you have graduated. With this in mind, once you have found a job, start thinking about accommodation. You may find that your parents are happy for you to pay your way and stay with them until you feel ready to move into your own property, particularly if you plan to buy. However, if you are planning to rent you may want to start looking at what’s available with a view to moving out.
Start budgeting
Most students leave university with some level of debt and with this in mind it is important to start budgeting as soon as possible. You should take into consideration any additional loans or credit cards debts you have. If you feel that making repayments on your debts may be an issue, contact experts such as those at Consolidated Credit. However, make sure you do not bury your head in the sand and hope that the debts will deal with themselves – you have to engage in some planning to make sure you stay on top of your finances.
Be sensible
When you get your first full time job after graduating, it can be very tempting to rush out like a kid in a sweet shop and buy all sorts of luxuries and gadgets even if you don’t need them. Before you start frivolously wasting your money, remember you may need to save those first few pay packets for a new car, towards a deposit on a rented flat, or even to get the ball rolling on a deposit to purchase a home. Therefore, make sure you are sensible with your spending and you start to think about saving towards your future from the very start.
By taking note of these tips, you will find it easier for find your feet, find a job, and get yourself settled once you leave the comforting folds of university and set off alone in the real world.
About the Author: Elaine McPartland has spent over 10 years in various aspects of debt consolidation. After successfully paying off student loan debt sooner than anticipated, she is very motivated to help others do the same with whatever debts they are facing.
A really informative piece and especially since it comes from a professional! I just graduated and I can certainly use some of her tips.
I should have learned some budgeting skills back when I was in school 🙁