It’s a gospel fact, that many students spend most of their time stressed out. According to a study, 75% of college students visit the doctor due to stress and exhaustion. There are many causes of stress such as presence of bullies, struggling relationships with friends, falling grades, fear of not having enough friends, inadequate family attention, pressure of friends, confusing assignments, and being away from the family. Stress is everywhere some stress is propitious but too much stress is not good. Too much stress can make you sick mentally and physically.
Stress can affect you in all ways it may affect your thinking abilities, emotions, and physical health. There are different symptoms of stress, but the most common ones are headaches, depression, insomnia, mumbled speak, problem in communication, and finding difficulty in making decisions. Having stress in your life is unavoidable, but by adopting few steps you can alleviate from its effects. Dealing with stress in a positive way can have an immense impact on students’ life and experience. Following are the few ways to through which you can manage your stress.
Exercise is the healthiest way for stress relief. Exercising forces your body to release endorphins. Endorphins are also known as happy hormones. The increased level of endorphins in your body makes you feel euphoria, improves the immune system and improves appetite. These reduce the negative impact of stress. When you exercise, it relaxes your stiff muscles this can also contribute to stress-related pains such as headaches, neck ache, and back pain. Exercising also reduces the level of cortisol which is known as the stress hormone. According to a study elevated cortisol level affects the memory, learning ability, lower immunity, increases blood pressure, and increases cholesterol
Power sleep
Sleep is an essential human requirement. Sleep lets our mind be refreshed. If we don’t sleep adequately then it affects our body. Our body doesn’t get the benefits of sleep like muscle repair and memory consolidation and deprivation can cause stress. Chronic sleep deprivation can put you at a risk for a number of problems such as obesity, high bold pressure, stroke, diabetes, uneven heartbeats, and heart attack. Proper sleep makes you more productive in the long-run.
Listening music
Different music has different effects on a person. Music is very effective stress management and relaxation. Music can have a deep effect on both the emotions and the body. Some music inspires you while some relieves you from the stress. Fast music helps you and makes you feel alert and more attentive. Upbeat music makes you more confident and hopeful about life. Slow tempo music helps you by releasing your day stress.
Healthy eating
Healthy eating habits can reduce the stress enormously. Stress and nutrition have always been linked together. People with a healthy balanced diet are likely to be far less stressed than people with the unhealthy diet. For managing stress its one of the most helpful ways to adopt a healthy eating habit. Include more fruits and vegetables in your daily meal, consume more lean proteins and avoid too much sugar intake.
About the author: Ramsha Noor is a passionate blogger who loves to write Health and Lifestyle related articles.
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