India, the world’s largest democracy is passing through turbulent times lately. The population is increasing, unemployment is at its peak, inflation escalating, the economy is shrinking as the rupee hits new low with every passing day, but alas, the political class of our country is totally aloof. The ‘elected’ representatives are making a complete mockery of the system.
The recent sacking of a diligent IAS officer, Durga Shakti Nagpal has left the nation startled. The attempt to corner Durga Shakti represents the ‘shakti‘ of the political class, who have taken the law and order in their hands. An IAS officer who was just carrying out her duty was unceremoniously sacked for being so honest. Even after the reports of the District Magistrate cleared Durga Nagpal of any ‘misconduct’, the adamant UP government went forward and charge sheeted Durga, instead of a gentle apology. The whole situation was labeled as ‘communal’ by the UP Govt. A tried and tested formula in Indian Democracy. Their funda is simple ‘we don’t work, nobody works!!’ But hey,people are watching this time! Its time the country stands up against this corrupt political class who will just do anything for a few bucks and lie to your faces!

The chief minister of UP compares this with an act of ‘parents or teachers punishing their children’. Dude,seriously, which century are you living in? A Samajwadi Party minister takes pride in transferring this honest officer in flat 41 minutes. If decisions could be taken so promptly in the parliament am sure it will save thousands of crores of tax-payers’ money!
The UP government recently started a drive to distribute ‘free-laptops’ in the villages. Little do they know that these laptops will need electricity to get charged. I hope they are not expecting the charge to die till next elections. This shows the intellectual level of the people who have the ‘power’ in their hands. In India, you get laptop before electricity. True story. My India is really shining.
A few days back, I was having a frankie with a friend in the streets of Bombay. As we were enjoying the delicious frankie, a ‘pandu‘ pulls up near the stall and signals the frakie-wallah. The frankie-wallah goes to the cop and says he will just get the money (hafta) after cleaning his butter smeared hands. This irritates the Mumbai police, who asks him for 5000 instead of the ‘regular’1000 bucks. All this, for extending a candy shop a mere 2 feet more for setting up the frankie-stall. This is the amount you have to pay when due to unemployment, you finally decide to stand up on your feet and earn some bread and butter for your family without begging.
Upon inquiring, we hear that every single day 7-8 ‘pandus‘ will hover near these small food joints for their hafta. For,the hafta never ends, the bucks keep on passing till it reaches the swiss bank accounts!
A friend who recently came on a break from US makes a point.
‘India ka kuch nahi ho sakta. Corruption is tearing the country apart. Nobody cares for the poor. Don’t you think we can do something for our country? Don’t you think if today Tendulkar or Salman Khan stand up for the country, the country will follow them? But hey,who wants to put their foot in their mouth? Why take pain for the country? Someday I’ll return and do something for the country.’
I was left speechless.
In today’s rat-race,everyone is talking about placements and packages. Country and the society is not even in their priority list. Yeh Mera India.
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