An Imaginary Place far Across the Sea
Full of delicate beauty and Paranormal Trees
With Snow Capped Mountain In the Background
And Creepy Animals Making a Bizarre Sound
Huge Ferns Growing Along the Forest Floor
With an Eccentric house Retaining An Old Timbered Door
Bluebells Dancing Merrily Across My Feet
Enigmatic Birds Singing a Song that’s Very Sweet
Everything So Serene, Calm and At Peace
Giving Me a Certain Kind of Mystical Release
All I Adore is Just to be here and Stand
In This Wonderland,Wonderland,Wonderland.
Very good 🙂
Wow!! That’s awesome!! 😀
Very cool, Sahil!
simply awesome my friend……………………
really interesting.. =)
Nice 🙂
nice man 🙂 haha make it longer :p
Lenght never effects what A Poem is Conveying.But surely Will keep it in mind 🙂
It was an enlightening and beautiful poem
awesome…. love this 1… =)
i likee ittt
ittttttttttttssssssssssssssssss vvvveeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy aaaaaaammmmmmmmzzzzzzzziiiiiiiinggggggggggggg poeemmmmmm iiiiii lllikkke it itss simply imaginary
love it 🙂
Ooh your poem is soo beautiful i loveeeeee 😀
This poem is really amazing and truely full of wonderland…. it is very thoughtful and detail describe….. of its surrounding! LOVE IT.
nice one sahil
Oh i loved it!! its totally mesmerizing!!! ITS “CHOOO CHWWEEET” : ) : ) : )
I like it, it’s really nice! Really makes you imagine and think of the place you’re talking about!
awesome i didn’t know my bro is super talented…Loved it