UTSAV- A reason to celebrate, well at least for those who didn’t have their end posting coming up! UTSAV 2016 seemed like a real struggle both for the participants and spectators, balancing school work and record writing whilst simultaneously trying to practice for and enjoy the events. Nevertheless, the performances this year were grander, more elaborate and better coordinated than ever before and the turnout as always was impressive.
Like every year, this year’s UTSAV helped bring people together from all over Manipal University, giving them a common platform to interact. Nikhilgovind Shenoy, a 3rd year MBBS student from KMC, Mangalore found UTSAV to be the perfect opportunity to meet and catch up with old friends, saying this was his favorite part of UTSAV. It was a chance to meet schoolmates, long lost lovers and apartment friends alike.
The last day of UTSAV kicked off with participants battling to get their point across in Just A Minute (JAM) at KMC Greens while skillfully dodging buzzers and grammatical mistakes. Meanwhile at Counselling hall, Edu Building, a speechless war was being raged among the Mimes. Mad ads had everyone in fits of laughter over the hilarious ads for Water purifiers, Hand washes, and Mixer Grind-hers to name a few, followed by moving and spine-tingling performances in Street Play.
The evening brought with it seamlessly executed dance moves through Dance Duet followed by the queen of all events: The Fashion Show. Fashion Show had themes varying from Geometry to Women Empowerment to Sherlock Holmes along with awe-inspiring and breathtaking finales. The participants had really outdone themselves and each performance brought with it a new perspective and a sense of wonder. One of the best performances of the fest , the Eastern dance group from KMC,Manipal performed once more on the last day to deafening applause and shouts of an encore. The ever enthralling UTSAV drew to an end with the result declaration, award distribution and the announcement of the much awaited holiday.
Winners of Utsav 2016: 1st: MCODS, Mangalore
2nd: KMC,Mangalore
3rd: MIT,Manipal
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