I walk on,leaving behind
All my memories.
I move on,on this
Path I have chosen.
I do not know where it leads
But I’m sure,
It will take me
A little closer to my dream.
It’s a difficult path I have chosen
Thorns and pebbles strewn all over
But this is the only path I know.
My feet bleed,
My soles get lacerated,
My will dwindles.
But I walk on
With the hope of moving forward
Of going nearer to my dream.
My mind is numbed
I cannot feel anything
My eyes blur
I cannot see,
Except what I see in my mind’s eye
The hopes, the dream I cherished.
Even though reality presses down on me,
Cruel forces wrack my body,
I still walk on.
With the hope of moving forward,
Of going nearer to my dream…..
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