My first kiss forever!

Love and what not,

Day so bright, Slow and hot

Under the Eucalyptus tree

Looking around and mind so free

I’m with you, holding your hand

Knowing you would never leave me alone

Heart beating fast and faster like never


Just two inches distance away

I heard your beats as it sway

Dreamed about this always

My prince charming, you the one

For me, around me, always you

Treats me like a pretty princess,

Love and Romance; Sweet and Salty

Fragrance and essence, Emotions and this purity

You came closer, I stepped aside

Head thumping, Cheeks gone red

I saw a cute smile

And a generous hold of me

Time passed so fast, just today

Seashore, sand and the creatures

All seemed happy for us,

The sprinkle touched me, made my day

A care in your eyes

It left me free in your arms

No worry, no anguish

Felt so good, I’m for you forever

Take me on this fairy ride,

Happy ever to be with you

That sunset, that dusk

I had my first kiss from the soul.

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