After making mess membership compulsory for hostel inmates, MIT management has come up with another controversial move according to which each mess member should have a minimum of 75% attendance in the mess failing which his/her hostel deposit will not be refunded.The detailed guidelines with respect to this decision have been put up on the Hostel Section notice board.
Those students who don’t fulfill the attendance criteria may stay back in summer vacation and fulfill it. Interestingly,the Food Court members having attendance shortage will have to eat Aloo Fry everyday without fail during the vacation.
Food Court will now have cameras installed to monitor your food consumptionOnly in exceptional cases like medical reasons, a relaxation of 10% on attendance will be given. For this they will have to get a certificate from KMC hospital in Manipal.
Those students who think they can circumvent the rules with proxies will have a reason to feel disappointed. The management will deploy a person who checks the photo-identity of cards before swiping. In spite of this, if any student is caught giving proxy, he/she will not be given attendance for 3 days.
We contacted Chief Warden of MIT Hostels for a comment on this step. He was worried about students binging on junk food. He said,”From the inputs received from block caretakers, we came to know that our students are excessively into junk food. As MU loves its students, we took this decision to arrest the dangerous trend of eating junk. I hope everyone will extend their cooperation to us in our endeavor to create healthy lifestyle inside the campus.”
He also said that the Food Court will now have multiple monitors and cameras installed to ensure that food that goes on the plate of the student also enters his stomach. “We noticed that sometimes the student does take huge portions on his plate, but, wastes the same by not eating it. The monitors will be watching this behaviour, and any student who creates wastage, will be gently asked to empty his plate. If the student refuses to do so, he will be sent in for corrective behaviour.”
The reactions from students are expectedly hostile. As usual, they expressed their outrage on Facebook group of Student Council. One student Lenin Karat suggested BHOOK HADTAAL in protest against the decision. Another student Munna Hazare posted a slogan “karenge vaar, aakhri baar” which received many likes from the members of the group.
Meanwhile,there is a rumor floating around the campus that this 75% attendance rule will be extended to the hostels as well.
P.S: All the facts in this article are made up! But you already knew that, didn’t you?
loved it!!
FYI this is a true story for K J Somaiya institute of Management, Mumbai 😛
Gajab time pass 😉 Reminded me of old days 🙂
good one!!