Another Fun mail received to the ManipalBlog.com mail ID. Couldn’t resist posting this one. No offence intended to any one. Posted as is!!
Dear Friend
Assalam-u-alikum! I hope you will be happy and healthy.
First of all I am student of graduation and my name is
Abdul Sami Khan Sami and I am belonged from Pakistan.
I am read out your email and I am feeling very happy.
Because same to you may be want friendship with you.
My age is twenty and my hobbies Reading books, social Work, reading newspaper and magazine, badminton, Good manners and honestly friend made us, travel and Tourism etc.
Please send me picture and tell me about your self.
I am want visit your country If you are provide me your country visa. So please must reply. I am send you passport copy and other documents.
Its hoped that my proposals will be positively acted upon and You’re as soon as possible reply me. That will be a very happy moment to see you here.
My Darling
If you are provide or issued me Visa/Visit. So I come your country and marry with you. I am not live without you.
Please provide me Visa or Visit. And after all I am pay to you after visa or visit.
This is my last decision because I am not live without you.
Sweet heart remember me in your prayers.
Your forever Abdul Sami Khan Sami
@Visal Sar
This past looked fanny to me.it is vary ridiculas mail sended by paki..:D
Pinglish rocks…lol