The Carleton University of Canada is located in its Capital Ottawa. It is one of the best universities in the country. It was founded in 1942 to provide education to young people. It was a part-time institution initially partially supported by charitable organizations of Ottawa. This university now provides undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses. It is one of the leading institutions for research and development on over 1000 topics.
Carleton was the first university in Canada to offer a degree course in public administration, through which many students work as aides and pages in the Parliament. Carleton University has residence options along with 200 social and cultural clubs. It focuses on healthy living and provides a whole range of programs.
Carleton University has over 125000 students and is prepared for careers in this rapidly changing job environment. It provides 22-degree courses. Here are few of them discussed below:
Global and International Studies
Due to its location in the capital, Carleton University uses its global exposure to provide all-encompassing degree program, Bachelor of Global and International Studies (BGInS). The program musters upon two interconnected concepts of the ‘Global’ and the ‘International’. The students with ‘global’ focus address the changing contexts of existence and belonging in the global community, especially in the aspect of globalization.
While the students with ‘international’ focus address issues related to politics, law and economics associated with trade and human rights and international state affairs. The students must have an international experience as an integral part of the program. This also ensures a better opportunity for placement within the global workforce.
Carleton University is home to the oldest four-year degree program in Journalism. There are three obverses to the Bachelors of Journalism (Hons.) program. One is the development of professional skills including the production of multimedia story packages. Two is focused on the role of media in a liberal society. Third being the choice of selecting more than half of the subjects unrelated to journalism, like English, Business, History, Political Science or Law.
It is also a must for a student to complete one credit (or more) in Canadian history on the specializations of Health Sciences, Humanities or Honours.
Economics is a multifaceted subject that applies to our everyday lives. The course curriculum focuses on the operation of market-based economies, economic growth, inflation, international trade, etc. Bachelor of Economics allows students to choose from seven areas of specializations.
Carleton University provides an array of mathematics and statistics programs which can be combined with other science specializations. The course can be taken with general as well as the honour subject.
There is an option of double honours when combined with different subjects. The Bachelor of Mathematics degree. One can choose for a combination with Computational and Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematics, Statistics or Actuarial Science.
Health Science
Bachelor of Health Sciences (B.HSc.) program at Carleton University is designed in a manner that is career-focused. It offers skills necessary to survive in the ever-developing areas of medicine, biomedical research and healthcare research.
Students under this course can combine with various other subjects and take forward their education in biomedical research. The professional aspects of this course are also varied and wide-ranging from medicine to public health, global and environmental health, community health care services, etc. The exposure of these courses is immense as students get the opportunity to work with international organizations working towards the welfare of communities suffering from diseases and poor health care.
Computer Science
Computer and its knowledge are very useful and play a major role in medicine, science, business, communication, and entertainment. The demand for a computer scientist is also on the rise due to its wide range of utilities.
The Carleton University offers a four-year Computer Science Honours degree, five years if the student opts for co-option with another specialty to the club with. These specializations can be chosen from algorithms, internet security, game development, mobile and network computing or software engineering.
There is also an Internship opportunity for the students of this course to obtain work experience. This is an example of how well the university is engaged with the current industrial majors and updated with current scenarios, hence, well devised to provide the best education of this stream in the country.
Carleton University’s Bachelor of Engineering degree is an internationally acclaimed program with a wide range of engineering activities like aircraft design, telecommunication, software and, but not limited to medical devices. The general curriculum begins with mathematics, principles of engineering and physical sciences. Each program gives an opportunity to specialize in subjects that are of interest. Through the curriculum, students are exposed to innovation and advances in areas of robotics, sensor technologies and global communications networks.
Each program of engineering offers an option to Minor in Business. The graduate of this course has exposure in several sectors like education, government and industries with product development, design, management or consulting.
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