Our Bhondoo is from ECE Department.He is in 4rth year and he got a reputation of being a comedic nerd -..This is the first story of him.
Bhondoo recently appeared in some core ECE Company for placement …this core company is basically of ECE , by ECE and for ECE . This company has allowed 3 branches this time (CSE / MECH /ECE) . So Bhondoo went with his friends to give the written exam . Most of them were giving exam with feel-good-factor as paper was easy .But Bhondoo was tensed ..he was wondering why other people are having this feel-good-factor while he is finding his paper too tough …
Anyway after the 1 hour written exam , the friends met , they had a discussion .. Bhondoo shouted to others ” Why are you people laughing and saying that paper was very easy… I found it very tough one ” ..
Apk asked Bhondoo ” What are you talking about ? Paper was not too easy but even it was easy for a non-nerd like me”
Bhondoo ( quite surprised n offended) asked him “ How did u do those OS & memory q’s ? “
There was a moment of silence and all started laughing at Bhondoo .. Bhondoo realized that he had attempted CSE question paper with DBMS ,OS stuff …instead of ECE paper …
PS :: All comments and suggestions are welcome here. Bhondoo character gets its life from the situations I see everyday in Manipal with some amount of fiction. Hope readers like it .
Thanks for the valuable comments …Bhondoo will keep on continuing his comedic stunts …
Have been a huge fan of Bhondoo since I stumbled across your blog!! Awesome first post Arpit.. hope there are many more, original Bhondoo stories in you bag 🙂
Brilliant!! And I think I know who this Bhondoo is 🙂