Are Festivals Targeted?

For most of us, festivals are all about getting together with family and friends, for some it’s about flaunting their new clothes, but there are few others for whom the word ‘ festival’ brings back bitter memories. On 29th October 2005, Fifty people were killed and over a hundred injured ahead of Diwali and Eid celebrations in Delhi. In the recent past, this is the 4th Instance that terror has struck during the festive season. Considering the mammoth crowds that gather during festivals, terrorist activities are always likely.

The recent blasts at the Dargah of Moin-ud din chisti in Ajmer, and a multiplex in Ludhiana have indeed managed to spread terror , yet again, during the festive season. Just a few days back, Naxals have massacred 18 people , among them the son of the former Chief Minister of Jharkhand. This continued series of terrorist activities pose a very important question…

‘Does a country like India adopt the right measures to control terrorist activities, or is the entire nation just being deceived by the numerous speeches given by so called leaders, and the anti-terrorism propaganda that goes around the country?’

The Intelligence bureau, despite being informed of such activities, often fails to tackle the threats. The lack of coordination between the security agencies and the police is another reason as to why innocent people become targets of these inhuman activities.

The innumerable promises and striking statistics that our politicians promise vanish into thin air when terror strikes the country. The judicial system takes eons to grant justice, sometimes punishing the innocent, and letting lose the criminals to plot other attacks, yet again.

Instead of accusing each other, one has to learn to work in co-ordination with the government and the masses. Lack of co-operation from the people, especially during festivals, also makes security checks difficult. the same people who say no to being frisked, and their bags being checked are the ones who create a hue and cry about lax security later. Terrorists are very patient, and just wait for any indication of a security lapse to trigger their plan. Festivals are the soul of India, let it not turn out to be a day one fears to step out of their house.

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