It’s “me” or “they”

Fading+MemoriesThey ask me about my family
I tell the i am the creation of my mom
I tell them i am the creation of my dad

They ask me about my life
I tell them i am very pleased with my life
I tell them i very satisfied with my life

They ask me about my dreams
I tell them my dreams are endless
They tell me sky is the limit

I tell them infinity is my limit
They ask me about my wish
I tell them i don’t wish for anything more than happiness, contentment in life

They ask me about love
I tell them you are my love, my love!!

They ask me about my creations
I tell them i am not the creator

I am the sculpture
And you are my artist
It’s you who designs me

It’s you who mutates me, my mind, my soul
They ask me about my indignation
I tell them it’s not indignation

I tell them it’s the poison that you have seeded in my heart

They ask me about my big fat “ego”
I tell them yes!!! It is my “EGO”
I tell them it’s the lioness roaring

They ask me about my thoughts
I tell them it’s you invading it
Corrupting it, modifying it

I tell them i am the sentinel protecting it from you

They ask me about my anger
I tell them it’s my fire
I tell them it’s my ice

They ask me about my fear
I tell them it’s you that i fear
It’s not the fear that fears me

They ask me about my memories
I tell them they are buried deep inside

They ask me my darkest secret
I tell them it’s a “secret” hidden inside a horcrux!!
And you definitely have no rights to dig into that

They ask about my pain
I tell them it’s my part of pain
I tell them it’s not yours

It all mine
My pain, my wrath, my hurt

They ask me about my happiness
I tell them it’s in my heart

It’s in my eyes
It’s in my lips
And the reason is you

But then i think who are “they”

I wonder is it “they”

Is it “you”
Is it “him”
Is it “her”

Or simply it’s the “ME” in “me” that “me” is unaware of!!

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