Many of you will be joining the college of your dreams soon. It is the time for final goodbyes to some school friends and teachers and for a few more days at your native/residential place. Spend some time with your beloved ones and also eating some of the homemade food (bhabi, didi ya mummy) as you will really miss that in the college of your dreams.
Now moving into your future. All of you would have worked really hard as per your individual capacities to get a seat. A totally different environment, that from JEE days, awaits you in the most important phase of your life. You all will be in the transition phase from an adolescent to an adult. There will be literally no one in college who will actually scare you or will be concerned about your future. It is really important to understand that from now on, you will be on your OWN in every right.
There will be plenty of distractions there – unlimited internet, holidays on weekends, extremely less workload compared to JEE days, fests, new friends, campus activities, new city, etc. You all have earned it actually – to unwind a little after having no active life apart from academics in the last few years. Many of you wouldn’t be happy about your current college or branch as well and will be aspiring to do a branch change.
So, it is important to unwind a little bit, have some fun but also not get too carried away by the distractions and not lose focus on your dream.
This is the TIME OF YOUR LIFE. Only you are responsible for fulfilling them and you are to blame if you cannot live up to your potential or expectations. Every tireless hour that you spend in college learning something new will definitely count in the long run and I mean it, literally anything and everything learned here will help you in your life.
And the most important point – have a nice mentor in college. I was really lucky to have a few of them actually in my college life. Someone who inspires you, someone who guides you, and someone who actually believes in you is a mentor. There will be loads of helpful seniors in college but very few willing mentors, finding them, and learning everything about college from them is up to you.
On a concluding note – have a great time in the college of your dreams!!
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